SpywareBlaster Brings Up Work!!!

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by Mudd, Aug 23, 2003.

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  1. Mudd

    Mudd Registered Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    Howard Co, TX
    New to the board. Hope this hasn't been hashed before.

    Each time I try to bring up SpywareBlaster, I get a window saying insert my Microsoft Word Disk. I know that is strange but it happens. I can click off this window and it reappears about 5-6 times and finally quits. The program then opens up fine. When I click to close SpywareBlaster the same thing happens. The program won't close until I click off the Word window or put the disk in the CDROM.

    I have put the Word Disk in and let it do it's thing. It runs like it is installing something. Next time it is to do over again.

    All is well until I restart my machine and try to open SpywardBlaster again. The "put your Microsft Word Disk............."

    This has been going on since I first installed the Spyware Program. I running the current program. I uninstalled the previous program and started from scratch with this latest hoping that would take care of that. It didn't.

    Have you heard of such a thing before? If so, do you have a solution to stop this nonsense?
  2. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Mudd - Don't know if it'll help, but you might want to go to Start/Programs/SpywareBlaster/SpywareBlaster, right-click on that last one, chose "Properties".

    That should bring you to the "Shortcut" tab of the "Properties" window, and you can check to see if the "Target" window (which should have it's contents high-lighted at this point) contains the correct path to wherever you actually have SWB's exe.

    If it's correct, then that's not the problem - if it's in-correct, you'll need to make it right. HTH Pete
  3. Mudd

    Mudd Registered Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    Howard Co, TX
    Pete: Well that worked out to be correct. Target was right on.

    I know other people that have this program with basically the same computer configuration as I have. They have never seen what I am seeing. One suggested that maybe my Word Program was not registered but offered no suggestion as to how I could do that.

    Sure a mystery that each time I open the Spyware the small window comes up wanting to install Word for the program. The same thing happens when I close Sypware. I can continue to click to close or cancel the window and after several clicks it goes away.

    It's only a nuisance but sure would like to discover why it want to do this.

    Thanks for the reply.
  4. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Sorry I couldn't be of more help - but I'm sure someone will be able to figure it out. Good luck! Pete
  5. danbrown76

    danbrown76 Guest

    It sounds to me like it is more of a msOffice (or Word or whatever) problem... not a spywareblaster problem. It does sound like the computer thinks Word is not registered, or partially installed.

    With no other programs running, put the msWord CD into your computer and let the installation window come up. If Word is already installed, then you will see 're-install msWord' and 'repair msWord'. Try to Repair it... in case the original installation was incomplete. (you may need the CD-key or Product-Code to do this, so make sure you have it handy before you try (it's a twelve or sixteen digit sequence usually on the msOffice CD case or box). Good luck!
  6. Mudd

    Mudd Registered Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    Howard Co, TX
    I think you are right about this. However, I have reinstalled it more than once. I activated it as my instruction from Dell told me to do.

    More than one thing happens sometime with Word. Once I got an Email that had a Word Attachment and the attachment would not open in Word until I put the disk in. Only once with that.

    SpywareBlaster refuses to open until I click the window off 5 or 6 times or unless I put the Word Disk in. Then everything is fine.

    Dell told me that all programs are registered and activated from their place when they ship. When I try to reactivate Word it gives me the "Word is Already Activated."

    It's a puzzle whey the SpywareBlaster Program triggers the Word Program anyway.

    Thank you for the reply.
  7. danbrown76

    danbrown76 Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2003
    Asheville, NC
    it looks like you've done all the right things... One thing to check though: when you're reinstalling msWord program, go to custom install and there you can choose what components to install or not to install, and whether to run them off the disk or directly from the computer NOT using the disc (that's what you want). Try it again doing that and installing everything on the disc, and make sure when you click on each item you select "run from computer" not disc.

    It's also possible you may have a virus... be sure and run liveupdate on your antivirus and scan your whole computer (they can sneak in sometimes).

    Good luck!
  8. Mudd

    Mudd Registered Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    Howard Co, TX
    D Brown. Thanks for the suggestion. Sure won't hurt to try something else.

    I'll do as you suggested later tonight when things are just right for me. If I have luck will post back. If not, well I'll just keep on clicking the "cancel" button and put up with it.

    Again, thank you.
  9. Tassie_Devils

    Tassie_Devils Global Moderator

    May 8, 2002
    State Queensland, Australia
    HI Mudd:.. :)

    What version of Word is it? I had 97.

    I too had a similar experience on my previous machine [not with SpywareBlaster] but sometimes when trying to open something not in any way related with Word, it asked for the disk.

    Solution as Danbrown has already given :)

    REINSTALL making SURE that you have ALL components checked off to install NOT to "Run from Disc", etc.

    IF this still does not work, then my other "fix" [maybe] would be to uninstall it again, do a Registry Search via Start/Run/regedit or a Registry Cleaner [if comfortable with that] and delete old keys, as something may be "holding" it still, then do another Reinstall.

    Failing that.... cannot help further, as I solved my problem luckily via an Uninstall/Reinstall

    Luck :)

    Cheers, TAS
  10. Mudd

    Mudd Registered Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    Howard Co, TX
    Thanks Tassie-

    Dan Brown had suggested about the same thing. I have Word 2002, came installed in the PC.

    I did uninstall Word. Immediately reinstalled it. So far all is well and haven't had that pest come up again. I have done this before and it ran right for a while.

    Word in my case is a part of Microsoft Works which I don't need the other stuff. It was a devil to pick Word out of that mess. That may be part of my problems.

    At this time it is working just fine. Open and close SpywareBlaster several times to see. Shut down, came up again and tried and it still opened without Word. So, maybe it is OK this time.

    Thank you for the suggestions.
  11. Phant0m

    Phant0m Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2003
    What happens is people running certain Temps/Caches Cleaning Systems ends up deleting entire listings including the necessary .BAK file :)\Documents and settings\all users.windows\application data\microsoft\office\data\DATA.BAK), deleting this “Temporary Backup file” will cause those symptoms. And when running specific programs like SpywareBlaster and so forth which accesses certain environments ends up triggering Microsoft Word System.

    Do yourself a favour an exclude that file if possible, or directory even, hopefully possible with whatever you using. If you’re Temps/Caches cleaning systems doesn’t support it then find alternative solution or manually unselect that .BAK file every time you do Temps/Caches Cleaning.

    Even though Uninstalling usually recommended when encountering problems, I wouldn’t recommend considering it could possibly be temporary solution. You have situations you try to investigate and get to the bottom of things so you can make it a permanent thing.

    Happy Day Mudd! :)
  12. Mudd

    Mudd Registered Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    Howard Co, TX
    PhantOm. Makes sense to me with the limited knowledge I have of this Medium. So far it is OK again. I'll look before I leap so to speak. I have a little program that cleans temp files and other things that it deems unnecessary. I'll look for the files you mention.

    Thanks for the information.
  13. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Indeed - it seems MS Office installs can easily become corrupted in this manner. (I've had a few other reports - in all cases, uninstalling and reinstalling Word/Office fixed the problems).

    Please let me know if the problem occurs again, but with luck you will have fixed it!

    Best regards,

  14. Mudd

    Mudd Registered Member

    Aug 20, 2003
    Howard Co, TX
    Thank you Moderator. You and the others have been most helpful, couldn't have asked for more or better advice.
  15. Phant0m

    Phant0m Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2003
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