Can this spyware fine and remove any spyware put on my computer by someone who can tell eventhing I do on my computer. Thsank You
No, Betty, it can't. You need either a good anti-trojan program, an anti-keylogger program - or both (that's assuming that you are the only person with physical access to your computer). TDS-3: and TrojanHunter: are good for finding trojans SpyCop: is good for finding keyloggers. None of those are free (the first two have evaluation versions, SpyCop doesn't, really). You might just want to try doing a couple of online scans to see what that comes up with: TrendMicro's HouseCall: or PCPitStop's Panda Scan: or, you may wish to try Gladiatior Anti-Virus (GAV) - it's free and finds all sorts of things: . We're here when you come back with some results from some of these. Pete
Hi Betty, Spy1 is right. The symptoms you´re describing sound far more serious then spyware. That is why I moved your question to a forum better befitting your query. Regards, Pieter