Spyware Questions (Issue)

Discussion in 'malware problems & news' started by MelarianRi, Sep 23, 2008.

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  1. MelarianRi

    MelarianRi Registered Member

    May 16, 2005
    USA, MA
    EDIT: Issue solved~
    All is good in the world of Mine.

    I attempted to install and run Super Anti-Spyware, but it simply crashed the computer 1/8th the way through the program and brought me to a blue error/reboot screen (which I had seen once before at my work with our Pure Digital online order sorter). So I assumed it was a system miss-hap and another program might be needed.

    I downloaded Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware onto my T-Drive and installed/ran it on my mothers computer. Worked fantastically and completely hip checked Micro AV 2009 in the face WHA! I'm going to run a couple of the programs recommended here just to make sure the slum areas are taken care of. :3

    All-In-All, Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware did the trick. :argh: <--- That face is freakin' epic. OuO

    MORE INFORMATION: Micro AV 2009 Virus

    (Information/Posts from other sites)

    (I really need to stop posting here only when I have an issue. -_-; Maybe offer some cupcakes and juice, make some friends... Bah.)

    It's my mothers turn for a virus! Woo hoo! I came home from school and she was complaining about her computer acting odd and slow, Internet Explorer needing a K.I.T. Face WHA (Kick In The Face WHA!) So being the fantastic daughter I am, go and check this badness out. I then explain to my mother the dangers of surfing the web without protection (Also told her to get FireFox, for realz), using analogies to STD's. A few chuckles later, I attempt to download an anti-virus (Super Anti-Spyware) when Micro AV 2009 anti-Virus pops up. I'd never seen it so I looked at my mom and said, "I thought you didn't have an Anti-Virus program?" Which she replies, "I've no idea what that is." So naturally the desktop screen goes white (Que Star Wars Theme) and the "You're computer has been infected due to people having no clue how to use a computer with internet access properly! You should probably deal with this issue immediately, unless you be an incompetent fool!" warning message pops up (Not what it really said), along with an icon that says, "Free Quality Porn". Which my mother and me laughed at because the icon image was fantastic. Non-The-Less, I decided it would be best to shut it off, considering the longer we kept it on, the less we were able to do, due to lag and the virus just kept getting worse.

    So now I'm at my virus free, completely safe computer. Wee~ I plan on downloading some Anti-Virus software to my USB T-Drive and installing it on my mothers computer. I have a few questions though before I follow through:

    1.) Can I install the software during safe mode? I assume not but I figured I could ask if there was a way too (Considering I will most likely be using the .EXE file.).
    2.) Because at this moment I can't pin-point the exact virus, what software would you suggest I download? I believe the virus came from either a game site (Downloading free little games like Diner Dash (I don't know the name of the site unfortunately.) or from LyricsBox, which my mother often goes on as well even though I told her not to. T______T).
    3.) Can I save files to my USB T-Drive while in safe mode?

    Any input would be appreciated. I will also be updating information on the virus as I find it out but at this exact moment I've got squash and not the edible kind. D:

    (I have school 7am-4:30pm EST so I won't be able to get any info updated here until after that point and right now it is 1:19am so I will head to bed soon.)
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2008
  2. Meriadoc

    Meriadoc Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2006
    Lol funny post :)

    how about disconnecting that internet booting into safe mode and scanning with super antispyware (can't install in safe mode I hear) and also cureit from DrWeb which is stand alone so no install.
  3. MelarianRi

    MelarianRi Registered Member

    May 16, 2005
    USA, MA
    The problem is installing Super Anti Spyware while the internet is off. I'm pretty sure it has to be connected to the internet in order to install and I've tried installing it on my USB T-Drive but unfortunately it back-sassed me.

    Also that internet (separate from my own) shares the same connection to my brothers, and if I unplug it, he'll flip and pound my face in with verbal abuse. O - O;
  4. Meriadoc

    Meriadoc Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2006
    Yes you will need the latest updates for SAS before you scan also. Install SAS, update and scan you can switch off/disable the connection on the machine - in network connections. Right-click on the connection, select disable. Try Cureit.
  5. MelarianRi

    MelarianRi Registered Member

    May 16, 2005
    USA, MA
    Alright, good deal. Thank you~
  6. Meriadoc

    Meriadoc Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2006
    No prob btw some very good forums around that cater for malware removal such as bleepingcomputer.
  7. Longboard

    Longboard Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    Load PCLOS, Wolvix or Ubuntu....then let the mother roam free...:)
  8. Meriadoc

    Meriadoc Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2006
    Here are some tools that'll go on a pen drive :

    Cureit anti virus
    Stinger anti virus (target specific viruses)
    ClamWin portable anti virus

    If you feel adventurous how about building a rescue/repair cd. Here's a good one to start with as it would be familiar to a windows user - ubcd for windows
    (live cd
    ) with these tools on it.
    You are then able to boot to that cd and scan the infected machine. Very easy to make and use once you get into 'em.
  9. HURST

    HURST Registered Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    A few more options:

    AVP Tool (a scanner from kaspersky)

    Also, you could try Avira Rescue CD, or other AV's boot CD.

    Sorry I post no links, I'm late for work....:blink:
  10. MelarianRi

    MelarianRi Registered Member

    May 16, 2005
    USA, MA
    Thank you all for your updates and support. I thoroughly appreciate it. I'm going to finish my lunch and then run these bad boys, then report back if I have any problems. Maybe even make an effort to communicate. o-o
  11. Riverrun

    Riverrun Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2007
    Let us know how you get on and good luck.
  12. MelarianRi

    MelarianRi Registered Member

    May 16, 2005
    USA, MA
    All is good in the world of Mine.

    I attempted to install and run Super Anti-Spyware, but it simply crashed the computer 1/8th the way through the program and brought me to a blue error/reboot screen (which I had seen once before at my work with our Pure Digital online order sorter). So I assumed it was a system miss-hap and another program might be needed.

    I downloaded Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware onto my T-Drive and installed/ran it on my mothers computer. Worked fantastically and completely hip checked Micro AV 2009 in the face WHA! I'm going to run a couple of the programs recommended here just to make sure the slum areas are taken care of. :3

    All-In-All, Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware did the trick. :argh: <--- That face is freakin' epic. OuO
  13. HURST

    HURST Registered Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    I'm glad MBAM did the job.
    But now you should consider: how did you mother get infected? is it likely to happen again? how are both of you try to avoid it?

    Seriously talk her into changing the browser, maybe get a router with hardware firewall. Keep an updated AV and a fully patched system. Also maybe you could try a limited account for her, or an alternative OS like Linux (some distros are almost "mother-ready")
  14. Meriadoc

    Meriadoc Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2006
    hee, good job there with MBAM:thumb: Yup, time to stop this all together now getting infected - doesn't take alot.
  15. MelarianRi

    MelarianRi Registered Member

    May 16, 2005
    USA, MA
    Thank you Hurst, Riverrun, Meriadoc, and Longboard for your help and support. ^-^

    You peeps are fantastic~ <3
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