Spyware Doctor Problem w/ NTFS Drive???

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Birdman, Jan 25, 2006.

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  1. Birdman

    Birdman Registered Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    I currently have Spyware Doctor 3.5 with ALL the active protection + live update + auto start-up DISABLED. Basically I just use it as a ON-DEMAND scanner.

    After installing SD on my pc, I noticed that the program is "locking" my NTFS C:/ drive....preventing me from running scheduled tasks on start-up/reboot (ie CHKDSK, PERFECTDISK offline defrag).

    I'm getting a "can not open volume for direct access" ERROR message when prompted to reboot for CHKDSK and/or Perfectdisk offline task(s).

    So I UNINSTALLED Spyware Doctor and this problem went away. I decided to do a re-install just to confirm that this issue is related to SD...and I got the same error again.

    Anyone know WHY Spyware Doctor is causing this conflict with my NTFS drive and how to correct it?

    I checked on the author's website regarding this problem and could not find anything. Also tried to email SD's Tech Support, but have yet to receive a response after 2 WEEKS!

    Any help/info would be greatly appreciated.
  2. pctools

    pctools Registered Member

    Nov 24, 2004
    Hi Birdman,

    I am from PC Tools, maker of Spyware Doctor.

    Sorry to hear that you are expriencing the problem as mentioned.

    Can you please perform the following steps which will allow checkdisk, defrag and error-checking to run on startup.

    1. Exit from Spyware Doctor (to exit from Spyware Doctor please right click on the Spyware Doctor icon in the notification area (next to the clock on the Windows taskbar) and select Exit from the menu that appears)

    2. Delete the file 'ikhlayer.sys' from c:\windows\system32\drivers\
    (This file is part of Spyware Doctor. Do not be alarmed as it is safe to delete this file for this purpose)

    3. Reboot your computer.

    4. Scandisk, defrag and error-checking should now work after the reboot.

    Should you require further assistance, please do contact us at:

    Thank you.


    PC Tools
  3. Birdman

    Birdman Registered Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Hi PC Tools...

    Thanks for your reply and help in this matter. I have deleted the requested file as you suggested and it seems to have corrected the issue with offline scheduling.

    Is this the only file that was causing a conflict and/or is there anmything else to delete?

    Kind regards
  4. korus

    korus Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2006
    Spyware Doctor & boot partition locking (chkdsk, Diskeeper, etc)

    This was the hint : https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=117336. It did not work.

    But this works : Start -> Run -> compmgmt.msc -> Device manager -> View : check "Show hidden devices" -> Kernel Anti-Spyware Driver : right mouse click : DISABLE

    When done (chkdsk, Diskeeper boot-time etc), return to ENABLE.
  5. Nitrox

    Nitrox Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Nice tutorial, many thanks. I had mine enabled even though I disabled all running services.:)
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