spyware blaster

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by RoSie kisSes, Aug 17, 2003.

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  1. RoSie kisSes

    RoSie kisSes Guest

    I installed this,but am a bit confused.
    Does it load automatically when I turn on my comp or do I have to open it myself? I have spyware guard and it loads with windows (I see the icon down by the clock thingie) <--tech talk I know... :(

    I am not very computer savvy,but can manage most things ! lol
  2. claire

    claire Guest

    Hi Rosie Kisses,

    All you have to do is select"Select All"
    Then click on the button below"protect against selected items"
    and that's it
    Spywareblaster is a run once program.All you have to do is to look now and then(once a week usualy) for updates
  3. RoSie kisSes

    RoSie kisSes Guest

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