Spyware Blaster 4.1

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by AlizeZ, Jun 12, 2008.

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  1. AlizeZ

    AlizeZ Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    I tried to download updates for my Spyware Blaster 4.0 tonight and got message to download new version 4.1.
    Can we continue to use 4.0, or must we download 4.1?
    It appears that we must download the new version 4.1 because we will not be able to get updates for 4.0 (as I see it). Is that correct?
    Is it okay to download and install the 4.1 at this time? Or is it still being tested, etc.
    We are not too familiar with computers and would not want to download it if we are going to have 'problems' with it.
    Does it work the same as the 4.0, or must we learn something new?

    Thanks for any and all help.
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002

    Yes - updates will only be available for the latest SpywareBlaster release, which is 4.1. It's a required upgrade, and is highly recommended.

    SpywareBlaster 4.1 is largely a maintenance release, with a few new features.

    Most of the improvements are "under the hood", and the interface is essentially unchanged from 4.0 - you'll feel right at home. :)

    And SpywareBlaster 4.1 is indeed a public release, so it's perfectly fine to download and install at this time. It was tested prior to release. :cool:

    Best regards,

  3. AlizeZ

    AlizeZ Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    Thank you. I downloaded and installed the 4.1, however, when I was doing that, I got a pop-up from AVG-AV (7.5) which said something about a virus, with name like "sbautoupdate.exe." Not knowing what had happened, I clicked on "HEAL."

    Did I do wrong? My friend said something about AVG-AV possibly reporting false/positive about some program in SpywareBlaster 4.1.

    Does anyone know what is going on?
    When I clicked on the "HEAL," did that mean AVG-AV removed that file?
    Do I now need to delete SpwareBlaster 4.1 and reinstall it again?
    And if I get that AVG-AV pop-up again about "sbautoupdate.exe" - what should I do?

    I do the manual update for SpwareBlaster and wonder if I do need that file "sbautoupdate.exe" - if, indeed, AVG-AV 7.5 did remove it?

    Can anyone help?
  4. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
  5. AlizeZ

    AlizeZ Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    Thanks. Went to AVG-AV 7.5 Virus Vault and right-clicked on sbautoupdate.exe, (restore file) but nothing happened!

    File is still there. I even looked in AVG-AV and don't see the file there.
  6. Firebytes

    Firebytes Registered Member

    May 29, 2007
    I don't know about AVG-AV but in Avast AV even when you restore a file from the virus chest (AVG vault) a copy of the file still remains there, even though the file has been placed back in its original location as well.
  7. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002

    If you're unsure if the restore process worked, the easiest thing to do is just reinstall SpywareBlaster 4.1 "over-the-top".

    i.e. Just run the installer and install to the same location as before (by default, C:\Program Files\SpywareBlaster), overwriting the files as necessary.

    That way you can be sure you get a full, fresh install. :)

    Best regards,

  8. AlizeZ

    AlizeZ Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    Thank you. Did that and now the bsautoexec.exe is back in the program.
    When I origianlly clicked on the Restore, as I said, nothing happened. I then clicked on the Restore As and it gave me option of restoring the file to Spyblaster. When I clicked on that, I got message that I didn't have "permission:" to install that file to SB and that I needed Administration approval. I then wondered if that had anything to do with the notebook I was using which has Vista SP1 on it. (I tried opening Spyblaster and AVG-AV 7.5 as Administrator, and still same results and that is why I decided to delete and re-install the Spyblaster 4.1.
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