Spyware Blaster 3.4

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by tb2, Jan 11, 2006.

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  1. tb2

    tb2 Registered Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    I have just received a link to update to the new 3.5.1? It recommends that I first uninstall my old version first and then go to the link to download the new version. I have Windows ME and looking in the add/remove programs list spyware blaster is not listed. How do I remove it before installing or downloading the new version or should I just leave it as it is? Obviously it is not recommended to reinstall over the top of the old versiono_O??
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2006
  2. snowbound

    snowbound Retired Moderator

    Feb 18, 2003
    The Big Smoke
    Re: Spyware Blaster 3.2

    Hello and welcome to Wilders.

    It is recommended to do a clean install.

    U can try reinstalling your current version overtop, then see if SWB appears in Add and Remove then uninstall or u can always go into your SWB folder and use the unins000.exe file to uninstall. Make sure u disable all protection in your current SWB first though.

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