Spysweeper with Antivirus Opinions?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by hutchingsp, Jul 20, 2008.

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  1. hutchingsp

    hutchingsp Registered Member

    Aug 2, 2007
    We're currently using Trend OfficeScan 8.

    I did a search here and most feedback I see on Trend seems to relate to their single user products, and of course those have different features to their corporate products.

    Is anyone using OfficeScan 8, or is anyone in a position to say how it compares to other similar products i.e. designed for ease of deployment/central management and so on?

    I'm quite conscious these days that spyware and adware are more of a problem that "traditional" viruses, and I'm starting to think it might be worth looking at products where the focus is on malware/spyware but with the backup to deal with more traditional viruses, which is where I noticed Spysweeper with Antivirus, which seems worth a look.
  2. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    since we are only talking about spysweeper here then no i wouldnt touch it with a barge pole. spyweeper used to be good but now its just a bloated mess. yes i know it works differently on different setups but i definatly would never use it again.
    surely trend micro office scan will soon have in the cloud technoly which should help greatly against spyware and other malware from entering the network?
    btw i think i know something that will fit the criteria. link btw its still in beta and not out yet
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2008
  3. hutchingsp

    hutchingsp Registered Member

    Aug 2, 2007
    On OfficeScan they do already have web reputation filtering, though sadly that's a global on or off, and there doesn't seem to be any central caching i.e. if you have 500 clients it's 500 lots of (admittedly small) traffic each and every time they visit any website.

    Not sure what else you mean by "cloud" though in the case of Trend?
  4. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    Some time back I had a free one yr with spysweeper Minus AV needlless to say did not stay on my machine long.IMO Same as lodore.
  5. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    Hello hutchingsp,
    btw see my link above about a product that is still in beta but i think will fit your criteria perfectly.
    "in the cloud" is a new technlogy devoloped by trend micro. read the two links below for more infor
    link 1
    link 2
  6. hutchingsp

    hutchingsp Registered Member

    Aug 2, 2007
    Thanks lodore, just found the first one anyway and was doing a little reading - from a desktop clients POV the web reputation filtering is the main area of interest.

    I did enquire of Trend how big the queries are and got back a fairly vague "Oh just a few bytes" type of response, but no hard facts on how long they are cached for and so on.

    It does look like an area of interest, though between Surfcontrol on our firewall and that on desktops I may end up being lynched :D
  7. ejames82

    ejames82 Registered Member

    Mar 23, 2007
    if you use spy sweeper as on on-demand scanner, they will make it difficult to use the product. they put a pop-up window up that blocks manual updating, trying to sell you their antivirus. they became nags. just not ethical.
    go with trendmicro. that's a reputable company.
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