Spybot - mass of 'registry changes'?

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by terrypin, Dec 4, 2005.

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  1. terrypin

    terrypin Registered Member

    Oct 21, 2005
    I'm running Spybot 1.4, fully updated. Spybot has suddenly started reporting a whole mass of stuff, mainly about Registry changes.

    They have no checkmark against them, so I'm unsure what they are supposed to be telling me? Most appear to be basic configuration details in dozens of applications, such as 'Recently used file;, 'Last opened browser', etc. There are a couple of hundred, but here's a tiny extract from beginning, middle and end.

    --- Report generated: 2005-12-03 09:41 ---

    DSSAgent: Executable (File, nothing done)

    Common Dialogs: History (69 files) (Registry key, nothing done)


    MS Office 9.0: Recently used files (35 files) (Directory, nothing
    C:\Documents and Settings\Terry Pinnell\Application

    Log: Activity: COM+.log (Backup file, nothing done)

    Log: Activity: SchedLgU.Txt (Backup file, nothing done)

    Log: Activity: imsins.log (Backup file, nothing done)

    MS Media Player: Last CD record path (Registry change, nothing done)

    WinZip: Add files directory (Registry change, nothing done)

    Mak Computing\WinZip\directories\gzAddDir!=

    WinZip: Destination directory (Registry change, nothing done)

    Mak Computing\WinZip\directories\gzExtractTo!=

    Do these just look like 'garbage' that I can confidently remove?

    Has Spybot been changed recently, introducing these as a new feature, as I don't recall ever getting such entries before?

    Terry, West Sussex, UK
  2. dog

    dog Guest

    Hi Terry;

    The majority of those results are 'usage tracks' except dssagent (which is Broderbund spyware) and it is safe to remove them.

    You can configure Spybot not to search for/ report usage tracks if you wish, although I would leave it as is, as those entries aren't needed. See Screenshot instructions. (Select Advance Mode - then Settings -> File Sets -> Uncheck "Usage Tracking")



    Attached Files:

  3. terrypin

    terrypin Registered Member

    Oct 21, 2005
    Excellent - thanks Steve, appreciate your taking the trouble.

    I'll leave it in now that I understand its inncocent nature. Puzzling how that option seems to have become enabled!

    Terry, West Sussex, UK
  4. dog

    dog Guest

    My Pleasure Terry :)

    I forgot to welcome you to Wilders' : Welcome ;)
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