When you check for upgrades, this is what it says: "[LASTEST NEWS] You are updating to the latest version of SpyBlocker. [15 Day Trial Version] - $19.95 Registration Patch/$29.95 CD Registered Users may upgrade for FREE." Pete
Hi Checkout, To: "'SpyBlocker Software'" <pkurland@bellsouth.net> Subject: RE: SpyBlocker Registration Instructions Just send and email after you download with your previous Reg # and Paul will send you the new Reg file ( fast ). Loki
Checkout Come to get help, come to give help, the world is a little bit better. If we all take the time to help someone and offer a smile . Loki
Hi, I just realized I posted spyblockers email address, should we delete it? I know it's public or I wouldn't have posted it but still maybe it should be deleted. I'll leave that up to the Mods. Loki
Hi luv2bsecure, Thanks, maybe next time I'll stop and look both ways before I jump off that cliff . Loki