Sorry Veeshush- while you were posting I deleted my question which read "What part?" Re-posting it here again so peeps don't think you are talking to yourself
"If you're not going to offend somebody, you don't need the First Amendment." - Larry Flynt Well at this point Flynt has little to lose. His empire is crumbling. LOL OT: Since 1983, Larry Flynt has sent the monthly magazine he founded, Hustler, to each and every member of Congress. The dirty mag comes in a plain manila envelope, fairly undetectable to the poor intern or staffer tasked with opening the mail. Following the complaints from 264 congressional offices in 1984, the U.S. Postal Service asked the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to block the mailings. But that request failed when the court ruled two years later that the delivery of the magazine could not be stopped. For Hustler, it was a First Amendment issue. This was Flynt’s right to petition the government, he argued, and the court agreed.
The New York Times is reporting that the Obama administration has reached out to China for help in "blocking North Korea's ability to launch cyberattacks." Maybe China said no, so the President gave Larry a call The fact is, that given his dedication to the values of freedom of expression, as demonstrated by his life history, there is no-one in the world that could possibly be more incensed about the Sony debacle and it's implications than Larry Flynt.
North Korea denies hacking Sony, U.S. stands by its assertion
You might be surprised. The Administration considers N Korea's act a violation of our National Sovereignty under International law. The skuttlebutt inside the beltway is that one option being given serious consideration is a physical black ops operation inside North Korea to physically destroy it facilities and capabilities to continue it's ever increasing cyber-war capacity which the Administration considers a true and serious threat to the Nation's security.
Amazing priorities in this country. Someone hacks an entertainment company and it's treated like a national emergency. For comparison, the massive exploiting of credit and debit card systems that affects the majority of businesses in the country, not to mention millions more people is no longer being covered, just like the NSA hacking and sabotaging of foreign businesses isn't news worthy. It's very clear whose interests are the priority, and it's not ours.
Shush... You wouldn't want to scare-off Joe Sixpack and his family from ringing up retail sales, enriching the incomes of the .01% who own the major international corporation's, and from enticing them to go further into debt servitude to the big banks and Federal Reserve, which are also also owned by the .01%, just to protect their privacy and save them from potential financial loss and the possibility of year's of aggravation trying to straighten out a case of identity theft would you? How can you possibly compare that to actions that keep us in our perpetual state of war that enriches the .01% who own the major defense contractors and private intelligence and security firms to whom the functions of government have been contracted out to while increasing the tax burdens and lowering the standards of living for the middle and lower classes? Geesh! Talk about priorities. I don't know whether to laugh or cry over what you wrote. You do have a way with words. And BTW: The news cycle is 24 hours, and every major for-profit tv and radio network and local station is owned by six major corporations which are also owned owned by the .01% What more do you expect from a nation where a recent Pew Poll showed that less than a third of its citizens can not name the three branches of the Federal Government. which everyone should know: The Legislature (Big-Dark Money #1); The Judiciary (Big-Dark Money #2); and The Executive (Big-Dark Money #3.). [The Federal Reserve, while privately owned by the big banks, can properly be referred to as the Huge Dark-Money Debt-Creation Trunk of Government #1.] Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries. I live in an area just across the Potomac from D.C where George Washington,James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson once lived. I'm not sure, but I think I just saw all of them rolling over in their coffins through it's downtown.
Well, Sony did get totally, utterly, fully pwned But true, it's a small flareup in the mostly ignored cyberwar aspect of the forever war. It's really nothing compared to Stuxnet. But it's symbolic, or has been played to be symbolic. Maybe it's a false flag. But for whom against whom is hard to figure, at this point.
Funny That's why the NSA loves to pwn them, no? In Snowden's case, the NSA reverse pwned him, it seems. That's what I get from Citizenfour, anyway. You can see it in his face. It's also clear from his old chatlogs, as I recall.
This has been a strange incident. I think it has been handled badly, but I don't think Sony had a lot of choice in their actions. No, our entertainment industry shouldn't be at the mercy of some illegitimate "ruler" in another country. But, whomever these people were, they still had the data of innocent people and were making threats against lives. Sony does not have a military nor do they have a CIA. Therefore, they can't know if some idiot with a bomb will or won't show up on a movie lot or at their headquarters. They did what they thought was right, and Seth Rogen still got paid.
I wouldn't? IMO, doing that is better entertainment than any of the garbage that Sony will ever release. If Sony and those financial institutions were to go bankrupt, I'd learn to dance, just so I could do it in the streets.
Really don't think you would be dancing when you file your tax returns with a huge check for bailing out those financial institutions. Witnesseth the latest Budget Bill with all it's multi-million dollar gifts to corporations at the taxpayer's expense (otherwise known as last minute amendments, to a must pass bill) . The Congress is an exclusive club largely made out of of millionaires and soon to be multi-millionaires after they go to those cushy high-paying payback jobs on K St. That club in D.C, is totally a world unto itself, unhinged and isolated from the lives of the common man throughout the USA.. They couldn't care less about you or anyone else but themselves and where their next political contribution is coming from. This is no secret anymore. They haven't got a clue. The latest Obama appointment to the Treasury is to be given a $20 million "signing bonus" by his current large financial institution employer, Lazard Freres, if he accepts that post. Will they be doing that out of the kindness of their hearts? In other news: "North Korea Threatens To Attack U.S. If Obama Retaliates Over Sony Hacking........ The statement said that President Obama is 'recklessly' spreading rumors about North Korea's involvement in the recent cyberattack on Sony Pictures..." ~Reduced content of post.~ While there is no denying political implications of this whole affair, Wilders will not be a sounding board for every political problem that exists in the world today. Ron
There's a very interesting (albeit speculative) comment on 2014-12-20 at . I won't quote fully, but here's a teaser:
Internet outage seen in North Korea amid U.S. hacking dispute
North Korea's Internet links restored amid U.S. hacking dispute Some key points on South Korea & China's involvement in this are of interest.
North Korea and cyberterrorists won big in Sony hack, researcher says
The Case for N. Korea’s Role in Sony Hack
I'd like to grab some popcorn and watch this show but it's got too much in common with a bad soap opera. We should give it a name. I vote for As the Stomach Turns.