So maybe we actually do need Tin Foil Hats?

Discussion in 'privacy problems' started by mirimir, Sep 25, 2013.

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  1. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Given recent validation of "Tin Foil Hat" claims regarding, for example, pervasive telephone and Internet surveillance, and backdoors in software, maybe it's time to consider another one.



    He was obviously just crazy, right? And maybe Snowden's leaks were the final straw in validating his paranoid worldview.

    But how can we really know?

    Edit: I've done a little research.


    <-> (ref 16 in <->)


    So who are the crazy ones here?

    Anyone want to speculate how chirps could be used to encode audio?

    Edit2: CNN and Washington Post explain.


    Last edited: Sep 26, 2013
  2. noone_particular

    noone_particular Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Somehow this wouldn't surprise me. Your post, especially the medical parts of it has started me thinking. My other half developed bad tinnitus many years ago. Neither of us can recall exactly when it started. The tinnitus is loud enough that my other half leaves the TV on all night to mask the ringing. The constant TV noise drives me up the wall. We'd assumed it was a symptom of a medical condition or a side effect of a medication. Now I'm not so sure. The most I can narrow the time frame of when this started is to a 10 year span. Coincidentally, project ELF was built and as far as I know, was activated during that time period. It's antenna system is also relatively close to us. I can't say that it is or isn't the problem, but it does suggest a real "tin foil hat" experiment. I'm going to make a tin foil hat for my spouse and see if it stops the tinnitus. If it does, then I have to rule out the house electrical as a potential cause.

    I never thought I'd see the day that I'd even consider something like this to be possible. I can't imagine myself wearing tin foil either, although it would be quite a political statement if you painted it right. I wonder if aluminum screen would work in its place? At least that comes in black. In a way, it's a shame that most of the mass shooters of recent years are dead. It would have been interesting and potentially revealing to see how many of them were experiencing similar symptoms. If this is actually happening, getting real proof would be insanely difficult. Just building wearable equipment that could detect and record such signals plus separate them from all the other RF we're routinely exposed to would be a big problem. If there's any truth to this at all, it would be a crime against humanity like no other.

    An odd thought and a question. Are military helmets still metal?
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2013
  3. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    It's pretty clear that people can "hear" radio signals. What I've posted about typically manifests as tinnitus, and seems to reflect minute changes in intracranial pressure. Given that corresponding nerve activity can be recorded from the inner ear, it's clearly true sensory detection.

    I've also read about people hearing AM radio signals via dental fillings. In that case, voice and music were heard, not just tinnitus. Maybe I'll dig into that later.

    Both phenomena require high power levels to produce even faint "sounds". Living near a powerful transmitter, such as an ELF transmitter, might well suffice. By the way, are you in Clam Lake, Wisconsin, USA? Or are their other ELF transmitters?

    Even so, the possibility that these mechanisms are being used to harass or control people seems remote. I'm sure that a few people are harassed in the course of long-range communications with submerged submarines. But there are so many simpler and more effective ways to mess with people, right? Why would they bother with this?
  4. TheCatMan

    TheCatMan Registered Member

    Aug 16, 2013
  5. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
  6. Pinga

    Pinga Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2006
  7. CloneRanger

    CloneRanger Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2006
    The guy "may" have been cuckoo etc ? but non the less various types of ELF technologies & techniques have been around for MANY years. Both RF & electromagnetic.

    Combine them both & you get HAARP. Read the Patents do discover ALL the things it's capable of !

    Just for the record, tech for enabling the hearing of voices etc, DIRECTLY without sound, has been around for over 20 years. It can be Highly directed at one person, & is acomplished by modulating the desired sound/s etc onto an RF carrier.
  8. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Right. It's not relevant here whether he was actually experiencing something of this nature, or just crazy. The point, and my reason for starting this thread, is that it's getting harder and harder to exclude crazy stuff as implausible.

    That's my impression too. But I haven't found much in public, except for speculation.

    Thanks. I'll take another look.

    If you have links or other citations, please share :)
  9. noone_particular

    noone_particular Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    There's at least one more in the U.P. of Michigan at Sawyer AFB. The antennas are 222 and 90 kilometers respectively. I don't know where the antennas are in relation to the bases so I can't say exactly how close we are.
    Most likely not with those antennas. That said, an antenna that used the correct length of wire but was wound as a coil would be easily portable, and directional. It's hard to guess what other effects exposure to high levels would have on someone or what else can be done with it. It wouldn't surprise me if it could be modified to deliver signals to a person without them realizing what it was, eg used as a carrier or modulated to act like a subliminal message. When I look back at some of the sickening ideas that have been made into weapons, I have no trouble believing they'd build something like that if they could.

    I seriously doubt that either of us is being deliberately targeted with such a thing. I can't be sure the cause is ELF, high levels of "normal" EMF, or something else entirely at this point. Right now, it's another possible cause that I need to rule out or confirm for a problem that conventional medicine has been no help for.
  10. CloneRanger

    CloneRanger Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2006
  11. Tipsy

    Tipsy Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2013
    Yes, he was obviously very ill.
    It is possible someone hearing sounds or feeling vibrations. That maybe some valid perceptions. But the key is that Alexis was hearing voices that trying to control him. Hearing voices is not anything like having tinnitus.

    It is more reasonable to ask could maybe he was subject in a classified psychological experiment. There are many reports of such experiment from the Cold War. Read about history of LSD for example. He was in military and had secret clearance. So maybe he was in past a volunteer (or - supposed illegal - a victim not givene consent) in psych experiment and still having effects after end of experiment - or even experiment still continue.

    Or just maybe he took bad high tech drugs and having severe effects.

    All that much more reasonable than to say Alexis is target for high tech mind control. What key secret infos could he have that make him so valuable for such target? If such technology used, more reasonable to use it against a target with real infos. Or a target with cleaner history (no arrests) that less risky.
  12. nosirrah

    nosirrah Malware Fighter

    Aug 25, 2006
    Cummington MA USA
    A while back I moved to the country and I do mean country, population under 1000 country. Cell phones don't work here and just about the whole radio spectrum is dead. My tinnitus is just as bad as it ever was, there was absolutely no change at all.
  13. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Well then, you actually do have tinnitus.

    I do too, because I listen too much to too-loud music :(
  14. DesuMaiden

    DesuMaiden Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    I'm not tin foil hat paranoid, but the fact that I minimize my Facebook usage takes a HUGE advantage away from Big Brother's ability to spy on me. I think that is one huge step forward in protecting my privacy.

    Thanks for all of the support Wilderssecurity has provided me in my journey in achieving less Facebook usage.
  15. Reality

    Reality Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2013
    Why would there be laws made for something if it didnt exist?

    This question is what I ask people who at least lend me a minute amount of their brain space to make an informed choice about believing something.

    Theres a number of topics that seem to be dealbreakers in a conversation. People either outright poohoo you or just switch off (aka glazed over eyes) as soon as you mention them. HAARP is another one of those.

    That I know of, ELF and HAARP haven't been mentioned on these forums, and I was wondering when it would surface. Lots of info's out there. Great topic.

    Cloneranger thx for those links.
  16. chrisretusn

    chrisretusn Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    I saw an ELF playing a HAARP in my back yard this morning... should I be concerned. ;)
  17. CloneRanger

    CloneRanger Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2006
    Pleasure ;) Some interesting stuff in those links, & links to links etc
  18. DesuMaiden

    DesuMaiden Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    Why is everyone so paranoid? I don't you guys need to be so paranoid because the NSA cannot causally use the backdoors in your computers against you. Nor can they causally snoop in on your Facebook data.
  19. Reality

    Reality Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2013
    So folks I take it from this its only when they decide to get serious. Now I wonder when that might be :rolleyes:

    Perhaps you can enlighten me where this great dividing line might be?

    Not necessarily. Some things you only need to do once and FB would multiply that quicker than most places.

    I don't understand your reasoning. Youre saying its by minimizing your FB usage thats HUGELY advantageous to your privacy then youre implying they can only spy on FB seriously o_O
  20. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    I detect irony here ;)
  21. PaulyDefran

    PaulyDefran Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    Prescription meds cause more deaths than cars. I'd love to see what he was "on".

  22. DesuMaiden

    DesuMaiden Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    No I'm serious. What will the NSA use this information for?
  23. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    I'm just a guy who's interested in technology for being secure, private, anonymous, etc on the Internet (and for computer use generally). There's nothing especially interesting about me, other than that. So yes, I don't see why the NSA would be interested in me, personally. However, I am committed to helping others stay safe, even those who are being targeted by the NSA and other adversaries.
  24. 0strodamus

    0strodamus Registered Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    United Surveillance States
    What prevents them from doing just that? Technology barriers? We know that isn't the case. The law? They've repeatedly shown flagrant disregard for the law, so that can't be it either. And they clearly have no moral compass regarding privacy. So what is it?
  25. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Maybe it's just that there's no gain in it?

    But, from what we've seen in recent months, they have all of the data for everyone.

    It's just that they don't have any reason to query it about uninteresting people.
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