Snap Deploy problems

Discussion in 'Other Acronis Products' started by sweyland, Nov 13, 2005.

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  1. sweyland

    sweyland Registered Member

    Nov 13, 2005
    I recently downloaded a trial version of Snap Deploy, installation and setup was fairly straight forward. I can pxe boot a pc and start the client, I can see the client in the deploy server.
    My problem is that when I deploy an image to the client I get errors in the deploy server log.
    See attachment
    Please help

    Attached Files:

  2. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello sweyland,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Complete System Deployment Software.

    Please zip and send us the following log files that reside on the computer you have the Acronis OS Deploy Server component installed on:

    - Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Acronis\FileServer\Logs
    - Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Acronis\DeployServer\Logs

    Also please do the following:
    When the client side of Acronis Snap Deploy is starting up, wait for the boot menu to appear and hit F11. Once you got Linux kernel settings prompt, remove quiet parameter and click OK. Once you got to the command prompt, please issue the following command:

    product /mode:demon /log-level:verbose /log:../tmp/problem.log

    and hit Enter.
    Reproduce the problem. Once you got to the command prompt again, please insert a diskette into the floppy drive and issue the following commands:

    mkdir /mnt/t
    mount -t vfat /devfs/floppy/0 /mnt/t
    cp /tmp/problem.log /mnt/t
    umount /mnt/t

    Provide problem.log from the diskette.

    Please send all the log files to Acronis Support along with the link to this thread. This will allow us to investigate the problem thoroughly.

    Thank you.
    Irina Shirokova
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