SMS (Save My System)

Discussion in 'hardware' started by n8chavez, Jul 9, 2008.

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  1. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    I'm having a major problem with my system. It's so bad that I'm using my EEEPC to type this. Here's what's happening:
    The last day or so my monitor turn of randomly (cycling through trying to find a signal between analog and digital). My system restarts shortly after that (every time). When it restarts the monitor still is not recognized. I need to power down for about half an hour to get everything to work right.
    my first thought is that maybe it is a video card issue. But then, that wouldn't make my system automatically restart, would it?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. innerpeace

    innerpeace Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2007
    Mountaineer Country
    I'm just guessing here, but you could be right about it being the video card. I've seen my computer do weird things before with nothing on the monitor. I re-seated the video card and it fixed the problem. It's worth a shot. Just be sure to unplug the computer, turn off and unplug the monitor. Also make sure you have grounded yourself to prevent a static discharge. You can ground yourself by touching a metal faucet and by touching the bare metal on the back of the computer case. This assumes that you have a video card and not an on-board graphics chip.

    Sometimes I've also had to reconnect the monitor several times before something would show up on the screen. Make sure to power off the computer and turn off the monitor and unplug both first. For some reason, that helped.
  3. chris2busy

    chris2busy Registered Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    maybe an overheated video card?its a hot summer and dust makes things even worse..clean it up and try a soft paintbrush or a cotton swab to do the edgy parts
  4. Brian K

    Brian K Imaging Specialist

    Jan 28, 2005
    NSW, Australia

    Have you checked your RAM with memtest86+?

    Looks like that failed restore with SP was the first sign of an impending hardware issue.
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