Size - main screen rel. 2.5.3

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by ThoKo, May 29, 2003.

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  1. ThoKo

    ThoKo Guest

    I have just installed SpywareBlaster 2.5.3 from download site 1.
    When I start to use the program I only get a main-screen that has the same size as the disclaimer window. The first line in the database overview only displays the text "Iehelper.dll, VX2 Respondmiter, Blackstone". The rest of the text is outside the window.
    I use XP pro on an AMD computer.
    What can I do to have a full size main screen?

  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi ThoKo,

    It'd be interesting to see the screen so we'd know exactly what you mean. Could you take a screen shot and post an image of it? (Unfortunately, you can't post an image unless you register here, but, you could email it to me, and I could post it for you if you don't want to register.)

    My email is in my profile: here

    Until Javacool gets here, another thing to check is whether or not your system has the proper Visual Basic libraries? The Microsoft kit is available from here:

    Best Wishes,
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