Simple VPN setup/direction for struggling noob needed...HELP?

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by techdummy, Jun 12, 2012.

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  1. techdummy

    techdummy Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    Hi all you fantastic techies. :) I'm sorry to have to add to the mess of VPN threads, but although there is alot of seemingly useful threads on here regarding VPN setups/preferences (yes, I've thoroughly molested the search button on here before posting this), it seems that when someone asks a hundred different techies what they prefer as VPN/anonymizing setup, it results in a hundred different answers, with arguments in the middle that are too far over my head to even begin to tell who's more educated on the subject (not to offend anyone) let alone where to start. My brain is melting :(
    I've wasted SOOO much time on the internet in the past on this subject taking detailed notes on what certain experts say, only to find out that they don't know what they're talking about (or only 1/2 of it is truth). Or maybe they do and the rebuttals are false. So far, the only consistent answer I've come across is to use TOR for my alt IP address, or something.

    Anyway, I will try to make this as general as possible so others in my same situation (those who are not as technically-minded) may hopefully benefit from this posting.

    Here is what I need (I think):
    * Anonymization via a 100% usable (on Youtube, all websites, etc) alternate IP address that I can (preferably) switch to as needed.
    * Is SIMPLE to operate by a noob.
    * Is not easily traceable (by, say, corporate thugs).
    * Would allow me to upload anywhere between 5-15GB of data to youtube, my website (no worries, nothing evil) in a given month without being insanely slow (1mbps or more is ideal).
    * For the setup to offer additional general security like for doing online financial transactions would be a plus, but not really essential.


    Here is what I need to know:
    1. How can one tell who to believe in regard to the most secure setups/reliable anonymizing services (again, don't mean to offend anyone or start a war)?
    2. What kind of VERY SIMPLE, STEP-BY-STEP instruction/solution can you suggest for someone like myself who feels like a 7th grader who was handed 10th grade level curriculum and after weeks of delving deeper and deeper into the seemingly endless abyss of technical mish-mosh feels no less stupider than when he first started out (in fact just more lost and confused)? I Need some unbiased, reliable guidance with PICTURES (lots of pictures) to walk me through it literally step by step, not assuming I know anything, like I'm a friggin 5-yr old. Or at last resort someone cheap + reliable to set it up remotely for me :p

    Your help (and patience) is greatly appreciated :)

  2. PaulyDefran

    PaulyDefran Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    Techie #1 answer: :D

    I am only a customer of two providers so far, so I will only mention those.

    Noob Simple Procedure:

    Go to or and pick which one you like more. Download either of their Windows Clients. Mullvad has free 3hr access for a trial, Air I don't know if they do, but they answer email quickly. Install their client. Easy on Windows, just double click. Enjoy VPN service. That's it.

    As far as payment, this depends on how much you care about possibly having your method of payment linked (threat model). If you just want some privacy from your ISP, but aren't an Activist, Black Hat, or Movie/Music downloader - just use Paypal. If you *are* worried, Mullvad will take cash in the mail. Air I don't know, email them. Both take Bitcoin, but that is an advanced method.

    Pretty much it.


    Edit: A little more advanced if you want to use OpenVPN proper (the clients are OpenVPN too, they just use a GUI wrapper) - Download the latest OpenVPN Windows installer and install. Then download the .ovpn config files from either provider (Mullvad has two, Sweden or Holland...Air has like 10, pick your country). Put these .ovpn files in the 'Config' folder of the OpenVPN install directory. Start the OpenVPN client, and connect. But for Noob easiness, just use their clients.
  3. chinook9

    chinook9 Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2008
    PaulyDefran, Thanks for the previous post. That was clear and straightforward. I am interested in the two VPNs you mentioned.

    I would also note that SecurityKISS using OpenVPN is very easy and their website is very user friendly. For those whose primary language is not English, the KISS is for "Keep It Simple Stupid."
  4. EncryptedBytes

    EncryptedBytes Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    The reason for a difference of opinion on VPN providers could be argued the same as differing opinions on preferred operating systems or computer hardware. No one is technically wrong, just everyone has a different scope of what privacy/security means to them. What should a non “techie” do?

    You’ve already taken the first step and outlined some of your requirements for a service you want. You now will need to define your budget and start looking at providers. If sensitive information will be sent through this VPN, make sure you read up on the providers and look at their privacy policies.

    EB if you know so much, why don’t you just tell me who to use/ who is most secure and be done with it? I can’t because there is no “absolute security” it doesn’t exist, it is not possible. There are many a members here who will swear by VPN X or Y or Z, the same as people swear by Windows or Linux.

    You need to pick the tool that is right for you and your needs. I can only offer general guidance. You can take what members here offer as first steps in your research, but only you can make that decision for yourself.

    Judging by your requirements outlined above you will be sending some form of identifying information through this VPN. If that is the case I would not recommend a proxy service such as TOR, TOR is meant for anonymity not privacy.

    Find a service that:

    - Offers end to end encryption between you and the service provider.
    - Has reputable privacy policies
    - Fits your budget

    Simply following those 3 steps should help you obtain most of your desired objectives.

    Finally as I mentioned to another user yesterday, the use of a VPN for financial transitions doesn’t really make sense unless you for some reason cannot trust your LAN (Your home network) or are using a public untrusted network (Starbucks, airport, a random hotspot in your housing complex).
  5. box750

    box750 Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2008
  6. techdummy

    techdummy Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    Hey, sorry guess I forgot to click email notification of replies for this thread o_O Anyway, thank you PD and box750 for your helpful replies. I will be looking into all of those.

    Thanks especially to you EB! That really helped clear up my confusion. :) And yes, I should've left out the thing about financial transactions since that was kinda conflicting there.

    So to re-formulate my question:
    what would you suggest based on all that I've stated as my criteria MINUS any private info being transmitted (priority is anonymity via an alternate online identity/IP, I can use home LAN for financial stuff), and a budget of $50-70 max/10-20GB (or $80/mo unlimited) with no contracts or bulk pre-pay (I only need the service for 1-2 months, then off and on occasionally from there onward)?

    Last edited: Jun 19, 2012
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