shdocvw.dll problem

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by alex11111, Jun 19, 2012.

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  1. alex11111

    alex11111 Registered Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    trying to replace a corrupt shdocvw.dll in safe mode but give

    "cannot delete shdocvw.dll access is denied"

    rename the file and replace with a uncorrupt one and immediately another shdocvw.dll appear and corrupt file is 1496kb and the uncorrupt one is 896kb

    How to check which program is using the corrupt dll file?

    How to prevent the uncorrupt file from auto replace?

    The corrupt file
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2012
  2. CloneRanger

    CloneRanger Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2006
    Hi, a lot of MS files are duplicated on install in other places for backup. If you look in your System32\dllcache Folder you should also find a copy there.

    When you renamed the corrupt file, Windows notices that's it's missing & automatically tries to replace it. That's "maybe" why you havn't been able to replace it.

    First of all rename shdocvw.dll in your System32\dllcache Folder, then in the one in System\32 Make a copy of the new shdocvw.dll & now you should be able to drop in the replacement shdocvw.dll's in both System\32 & System32\dllcache in that order.

    I found shdocvw.dll in another place too, which was the same file size, but had slightly different info in Properties ! If you find it in other locations, i would leave renaming it etc until you've done the above first. If that works, then i would leave any others alone.

    I've done the renaming etc trick many times & it always worked ;)
  3. lurker20

    lurker20 Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2012
    It depends if you are in xp or later. Have you compared the dll versions between the 1496kb and 896kb dll files? Are you sure whatever issue you are facing will be fixed by just replacing this file?

    Process monitor->view->lower pane->dlls

    Since this is a Windows file, it is usually protected by Windows resource protection and if you know what you are doing then you can proceed by booting to dvd or try in safe mode with cmd prompt.
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