several related qeustions

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by street, May 4, 2003.

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  1. street

    street Guest

    ok seems like this is worth a try
    so i install it
    cant seem to understand a few things
    one is this thing running in the back ground all the time
    two in the regestry under hkey local machine /software/ microsoft/ internet exploerer/ active x there are huge amount of items listed in the regestry now
    are these added items to the regestry when you select each or all items listed in the protect against area and then click the protect button for selected items
    seems like a few things are unclear on actually what this thing is doing not much help any place that actually you can go to to find out details about the program the control panel for the program and the help file really dont get into any details on how this thing is running
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi street,

    I'm think you are talking about Javacool's SpywareBlaster here, correct?

    SpywareBlaster does not run in the background. You run it once and select all the items you want to secure, then you press the button to "Protect against checked items". This sets the "kill bits" for all those ActiveX items you see it that location in the registry.

    The setting of those registry keys is the protection. All you need the program for after setting all those flags is to check for updates (weekly would be good), and that will allow you to protect against new items from each update.
  3. street

    street Guest

    thx for the info thats what i thought but really was not sure didnt know that it should have been put on this board
    seems pretty kool if it actually works like is suggests
    we will try it for awhile and see
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    We're glad to help with any questions. This program is a little different from most of the others, so it's no surprise that people have questions about how it works exactly.

    I'm sure it'll work fine for you, but, be aware that it protects specifically against a list of known spyware related ActiveX controls, and it also adds spyware cookie blocks for users of IE 6.0. You should still use periodic scanning programs like Spybot Search & Destroy to check your system for other forms of spyware.

    Best Wishes,
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