Setting up Automated USB-Scan

Discussion in 'ESET NOD32 Antivirus' started by threatac, Aug 11, 2008.

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  1. threatac

    threatac Registered Member

    May 8, 2008
    Good day.
    in my office we use usb - diskonkey for ppl that use home stations.
    we have a lot of emploeys that work from home or another office.

    I'm sure you all know that there are a lot of viruses that uses The diskonkey for "infestation".
    is there a way to initiate an automated scan for any usb drive that connect's to the staton?

    i was thinking of a cleaning station but it's to much work and manpower.
    maybe something i can run as admin on all staton,
    thank's in advance
  2. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    ESET products offer automatic real-time protection which automatically scans removable media such as USB drives as soon as they are accessed.

    If you mean something else , please be more specific :thumb:

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  3. threatac

    threatac Registered Member

    May 8, 2008
    I ment a full scan.
    I think it miss couple of viruses.
  4. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    I don't think it is possible to make EAV scan a removable media as soon as it has been pluged-in but as I said , the real-time file system protection should catch if a malicious file tries to active/load .

    If it misses something , it is because the protection is not configured correctly / it is disabled or EAV simply cannot detect it . In such cases , you can contact ESET Support for more help or submit a sample of what is missed to ESET Labs
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