Will checking Clean Automatically and/or Prohibit Access allow a system scan to finish to the end if it finds something?
Yes. But you should also set it to do something if it can't clean a file. You shouldn't allow it to automatically delete the infected files since it can be a f/p, so you should set it to clean first, and if that fails, it should rename the file(s).
Thanks Brian, It appears the options you set forth aren't available in the NOD32 trial version. It looks like the next best thing is to select Prohibit Access and Move Newly Created Files to Quarantine. What I'm striving for is not having to deal with an issue as soon as it's found in order for the scan to proceed. Just deal with it later.
Prohibit Access is only avaliable in AMON. The screenshot above is from the on-demand scanner NOD32 > Run NOD32 > Action tab
It tries to remove virus code from a file while leaving the rest of the file intact. However, many virus files are 100% virus, so in many cases the only viable options are to delete or rename.