I want to store credit card details on phone in encrypted format. This is handy just in case you are not carrying credit card and want to either use the number for online shopping or want to pay the bill. Please suggest few secure apps. which can be used to store CC information in encrypted format. I thought of using Trend Micro Password Manager to store this information but I want to first ensure if this product has passed third-party audit.
The two I use are 1Password 7 and The Vault (https://thevault-app.com). The Vault is free for the iPhone and $25 for the Mac. Jim
The password mgrs mentioned above are good options. Let me add an additional consideration to the above. How about Google Pay where you simply pass an e-token as you purchase something? The vendor gets paid while YOU never give your actual credit card number out, leaving your number securely "away" from prying eyes. I use digital transactions every single time I can. Its better for you and for the merchants. E-token using NFC at a terminal is a second or less, all day long!
If you're on Android and have NFC, you can use Keepass2Android with suitable Yubikeys with nfc. ykDroid is also needed to hook up the nfc aspect to the yubikey. The yubikey with nfc can also act as a TOTP Authenticator for websites that use that.
Yep, my post may have missed the mark for the OP. Storing details is different than using a card. My emphasis was on using credit securely and as simply as possible. I use Bitwarden with NFC on Android for mobile vault security.