SecureAPlus Freemium

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by sinlam, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. sinlam

    sinlam Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Re: SecureAPlus Freemium - A Survey

    Hi Guys, Thank you for using SecureAPlus. About 3 weeks have passed since its first official soft launch. To help us improve SecureAPlus further, we would like to invite all of you to participate in this online survey,
    It won't take more than 5 minutes of your time. Thanks :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2013
  2. taleblou

    taleblou Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    Look at how famous and most used HITMAN pro is? If something similar with protection is added to secureaplus with more AV engines to check then the few hitman pro does, would over pass hitman pro and would be one of the first if not the first security system to use 40 AV engines and the best DETECTION in the world. Lots of people will use secureaplus and it will become very famous as much or more then hitman pro.

    THAT WILL bring lots of revenue for secureaplus.

    Also if you do not want that then you can use the free version that is a whitelist and no-one forces you.

    Also maybe the free version could keep the clam AV like it is now. SO everything as of now stay in the free version. how about that? the the pro and IS will be more powerful and if anyone is interested then they buy a license.

    I am saying this, because if things stay as they are and if the freemium one year license finishes, people WILL NOT PAY FOR THIS PROGRAM TO BUY, AS THERE ARE OTHER FREE AND NON-FREE ONES THERE WITH MORE REPUTATION OR DO MORE.

    Secireaplus needs to make revenues and current freemium model or type will not do that in the long-run.
  3. KelvinW4

    KelvinW4 Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    Los Angeles, California
    Talebleu, you must understand that it will not be cost feasible to license that many engines. In addition, the use of so many engines will make the product extremely heavy. Currently, the most engines for real time a product uses is 3 to 4. Hitman pro is just a on demand scanner. Even comodo dropped the idea of DACS. Now it raises a question, how does secureaplus acquire funding?
  4. taleblou

    taleblou Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    You mis-understood me. WHo said incorporate all those engines into the secureaplus. Perhaps my hitman pro example was understood wrong. A better example would be like the jottiq. virustotal is online so when a unknown or un-signed, etc. is detected by secureaplus then its footprint or the file should be send to virustotal and if its flagged by virustotal as dangerous or malware then it should be blocked and removed. Also if it was safe it should be allowed to run and if it did not exist in virutotal databse then it should be warned to install with caution.

    Its just check with virustotal databse as we all do when we upload a app to VT. There are other programs that do these, like the Virustotal uploader and JOTTIQ that checks a file against their respective malware database. Thats what I suggest.

    Also using a single engine top of the class AV like bitdefender for example would also add some protection.

    SO here is basicaly what I suggest.

    First when a file is downloaded secureaplus should check with its malware engine like bitdefender for example and if it is found to be dangerous then it should be flagged and removal or quarantine option be selected. Also if it is unknown or not detected by lets say the AV then it should be send to and checked against virustotal and if still not in the database then the caution approach showed be shown or let the white-listing take care.

    The same thing as secureplus does now with clam-av, only one more step of checking against virustotal database for a higher detection.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2013
  5. taleblou

    taleblou Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2010

    Also I got another idea. If secureaplus does not like my idea above, then how about keep what you have now with the whitlisting and clam-av, but add a virustotal detection capability.

    So if something is unknown to clam-av and before the the popup of whitelisting or hips, then it should be send to virustotal to check against their online database for more and greater detection and if it was found to be safe then no white-list popup to allow or block. But if found to be malware then use the same method is used when clam-av detects a malware in secureaplus. Also if unknown by both clam-av and online virustotal database, then let the white-listing popup asking to allow or block.

    Also if they like they can make it into a internet security with sandboxing or firewall.

    So what I am saying is adding a virustotal would make this security program one of if not the best out there and beating the rest of security suite with highest detection and protection.

    Also you guys can make a white-listing alone as free and the one with clam-av and or virustotal detection as a paid pro.
  6. sinlam

    sinlam Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Hi taleblou, thank you for all the interesting ideas that you have suggested :thumb: We will have an internal discussion about your suggestion :)
  7. sinlam

    sinlam Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Re: SecureAPlus Freemium - A Survey

    Here's a big thank you for those who have responded to the survey :thumb: Hope more of you can help :)

  8. kupo

    kupo Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Re: SecureAPlus Freemium - A Survey

    Does SecureAPlus purge deleted files from whitelist? If not, maybe you could add it in the next version? Also, please also add option to limit all the logs file size. Whitelist log is growing every day. :D
  9. sinlam

    sinlam Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Re: SecureAPlus Freemium - A Survey

    Hi kupo, thanks for pointing out the whitelist log file size :thumb: We will look into it :)

    Regarding your suggestion on purging deleted files from whitelist, it may not be advisable. Some files may be stored in different location. If you delete such a file and it is automatically purged from the whitelist, this will affect the running of the exact same file that is stored in other location. In the worst scenario, if the deleted file is a system file, the machine will fail to boot up.
  10. KelvinW4

    KelvinW4 Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    Los Angeles, California
    Re: SecureAPlus Freemium - A Survey

    Like previously, If you are going to want to take talebleu's idea, asking crystal security might be a great start.
  11. sinlam

    sinlam Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Re: SecureAPlus Freemium - A Survey

    Why crystal security?
  12. KelvinW4

    KelvinW4 Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    Los Angeles, California
    Re: SecureAPlus Freemium - A Survey

    Light, unobtrusive, and uses classification based on Comodo Analysis and Virustotal. It uses cloud to determine the verdict of the file. So, I was hoping that this would definitely reduce popups and only allow those rated 95-100% while giving alerts to suspicious/unknown files only.
  13. kupo

    kupo Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Re: SecureAPlus Freemium - A Survey

    Any updates on why SecureAPlus.exe is not starting sometimes? Happened to me again, I tested if I'm still protected and SecureAPlus is still blocking untrusted files. :D

    EDIT: Actually, sometimes it starts with Windows but suddenly closes.
  14. taleblou

    taleblou Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2010

    Here is another idea: Secureaplus should partner with a good av like bitdefender or kapsersky, or other top avs and make it to a pro version, while you can take out the clam-av and put virustotal scanning or checking option I told you into the freeware version. So when free then it should be no legal issues. Here is what i think:

    secireaplus free: white-listing plus virustotal checking and NO AV.
    secureaplus pro: free version plus a good antivirus.

    Also I like the idea of incorporating crystal security online scanning ability into secureaplus. I have used it and set it so that every download I made, crystal security would automatically checked it with VT and Comodo analysis and others and would show if it was safe or not. SO incorporating something like that is a good idea too for download protection or for running protection.
  15. sinlam

    sinlam Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
  16. sinlam

    sinlam Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Re: SecureAPlus Freemium - A Survey

    Hi kupo, care to elaborate more about "sometimes it starts with Windows but suddenly closes"? When does this usually happen? What are the tasks you are doing at that time and before that?
  17. sinlam

    sinlam Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Hi kupo, sorry, we are unable to reproduce your problem but we will continue trying. However, don't worry, the engine is not in SecureAPlus.exe. So it will still protect your computer even if it is not running.

  18. csachinbe

    csachinbe Guest

    Re: SecureAPlus Freemium - A Survey

    I had the same problem. You have to create an exception for the processes in your antivirus and firewall. After I did that the tray icon did not crash.
  19. kupo

    kupo Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Re: SecureAPlus Freemium - A Survey

    It happened even though I don't have antivirus installed. I am using Windows Firewall without blocking outbound connection.
  20. sinlam

    sinlam Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Hi kupo, this must have caused you a lot of frustration. So sorry about it. Hope you can help us to find the root of the problem by doing the following if you are using Windows 7 and above:

    1. Download file from

    2. Enable User Mode dump file by double-clicking on the attached registry file, "UserModeDump.reg".

    3. When it clashes, you will see this dialog box:


    Choose the "Close the program" option.

    4. In Windows Explorer, go to %localappdata%\Crashdumps


    5. Collect all the dump files with .dmp extension. Then zip it and email to us at

    Thanks :)

  21. siketa

    siketa Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    In the latest RC build, Kardo has changed second engine from CFI to CAMAS.
  22. kupo

    kupo Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Will do it later, one question though, when will I see the dialog box? When SecureAPlus.exe didn't start with Windows or will come right after I change the registry entry?
  23. sinlam

    sinlam Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Hi siketa, thanks for the info:thumb: Wow, you actually help him to translate to Croatian language! So you must know the product extremely well. Where can I find more information on the second engine CAMAS?
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