
Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by rnfolsom, Nov 10, 2005.

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  1. rnfolsom

    rnfolsom Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Monterey, California
    In the NOD32 module, Run NOD32 has an initial screen that appears only momentarily, after which a set of tabs opens.

    But the initial screen has a "Scrolling" checkbox. What does checking this checkbox do? Scroll what, where?

    And if one wanted to check this Scrolling checkbox, how could one get the initial screen to pause long enough to get a cursor into the checkbox to check it?

    Obviously, I'm a brand new user of NOD32. I fear that this question is really dumb. My apologies.

    Roger Folsom
  2. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
    The help button on NOD32 can save you a lot of posting and you will notice it has a word search feature.:) Type in "scrolling". Also there is no such thing as a dumb question as you can bet other new users are wondering about the same things you are.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2005
  3. Brian N

    Brian N Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2005
    I do believe it's the scanning log you see when starting the on-demand scanner.
    If you scan or just click the log tab you will automatically see it.
    You can also hit the F1 button anywhere in the program, and it will display some help/information about the items youre currently looking at ;)

    Attached Files:

  4. rnfolsom

    rnfolsom Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Monterey, California
    Brian: Thanks for telling me how to use the help file, and about using the F1 key.

    Thanks to The Hammer's and your help, I now realize that in the Nod32 module, the Run Nod32 initial screen that flashes past is the Scanning log tab. The purpose of that teasing initial flash mystifies me, but I now understand that the Scanning Log tab that comes up later gives an unlimited amount of time to check the Scrolling checkbox.

    Thank you.

    Roger Folsom
  5. rnfolsom

    rnfolsom Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Monterey, California
    The Hammer:

    Using the NOD32 Control Center help button, I had searched for "scroll" or "scrolling" and didn't find anything.

    I guess the helps for each module are totally separate, from the Control Center help and from each other?

    As for dumb questions, I should have studied the Run NOD32 initial flash past screen more carefully. Even in the limited time available, I should have noticed at the top that it was the Scanning log tab.

    But thanks for the help from you and Brian, even though it shouldn't have been necessary!

    In the NOD32 module, I've been a bit puzzled about when to scan using either Local or In-Depth (I do understand the difference between those two), versus using Run NOD32. I've tentatively concluded that I can think of the first two as (alternative) shortcuts to starting a scan, when there's no need to configure the scan (because it's already been configured either in the Control Center profile or in some other profile).

    Believe it or not, for me that's a major insight about how NOD32 is laid out. Here's hoping it's at least approximately not too far from correct.

    There is some evidence that Eset's people didn't pay attention to their seventh or eighth grade language class sessions (no matter what the language) on how to outline a document (e.g. term paper), or didn't realize that the principles learned there might be applicable to organizing a user interface.... <grin>

    That said, it's the quality of the scans that's important; eventually I'll figure out the organization.

    Roger Folsom
  6. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
    Version 3 is supposed to have better interface. Also you might want to check out what Blackspears posted regarding setting up Nod for maximum protection.
  7. rnfolsom

    rnfolsom Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Monterey, California
    Is Version 3 close to being finished? If so, I won't bother posting any interface suggestions.

    I have no objection to separate helps for each module. It's just that the Control Center help should include a notice that it's not complete.

    Thank you for inviting my attention to Blackspear's setup articles. Someone else had already pointed me to them. They are invaluable. I spent three or four hours yesterday going through them, together with NOD32's own helps, item by item.

    My main machine is a laptop which of course has its own screen, and I've got an external monitor also. So I put NOD32's setups on the laptop screen, and Blackspear's articles and the NOD32 helps side by side on the external monitor, and I'm gradually working through all of NOD32's setups.

    An equivalent approach would have been to print out Blackspear's articles and the NOD32 helps. But no matter how it is done, I found that reading them together while setting up NOD32 was essential for me if I wanted to try to do the job right. His comments often fill in explanations and advice that is missing in the NOD32 helps, which nevertheless are generally well done.

    I'm about 2/3 or 3/4 finished. The time is because sometimes I get a bit more information when setting up a later module, and I decide to go back and change something I set for a previous module.

    When I'm done, I'll post my remaining questions in a new thread.

    Thanks again for the help.

    Roger Folsom

    P.S.: If you happen to know of a list of meanings for Wilder's message icons, please tell me where it is. Some are obvious (lightbulb, question mark, frown and smile), but the others mystify me, particularly the one with the scrolling <-M.
  8. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
    There is a thread for future changes to NOD post interface ideas there. As to when version 3 will be ready, their not saying. As to the icons,there are a couple that you have to actually click on to see what they do. But most have an explanation when you hover your mouse over them, including the scrolling M. As you will see there have been a lot of suggestions and maybe a few repeats.:eek:
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2005
  9. rnfolsom

    rnfolsom Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Monterey, California
    Thanks for the link to the "Future Changes to Nod32" thread.

    Thanks also for suggesting that I "hover" over each message icon to see what it is about. I see that apparently they change from time to time: Sunday night (in California) the lightbulb now looks like some sort of neon sign (maybe), and the scrolling M has disappeared.

    Roger Folsom
  10. auriell

    auriell Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2005
    Warsaw, Poland
    rnfolsom - I don't know if you have finally found what is this scrolling checkbox ;) But if not - when checked it automatically scrolls the text beeing displayed in Scanning Log to show you the lowest text line appearing in it.
  11. rnfolsom

    rnfolsom Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Monterey, California

    That's the best explanation I've seen, and it had not already occurred to me. So thank you, very much.

    Roger Folsom
  12. mrtwolman

    mrtwolman Eset Staff Account

    Dec 5, 2002
    Anyway, leaving it unchecked makes scan a bit faster :)
  13. rnfolsom

    rnfolsom Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Monterey, California
    So that's the reason for having a checkbox. Thanks.

    Roger Folsom
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