"Scan with Webroot" Always stops working!

Discussion in 'Prevx Releases' started by gate1975mlm, Jun 25, 2012.

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  1. gate1975mlm

    gate1975mlm Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2004
    Since I first started using Webroot Secure Anywhere I have been having an on going issue where the "Scan with Webroot" on the right click context menu stops working at random times. And the only way to get it to work again I have to shut down Secure Anywherem and restart it.

    I checked the scan total scan statistics and indeed when the "Scan with Webroot" is not working no scan was performed.

    I opened a Ticket for this issue a while ago and have sent log files but sorry to say Webroot can not seem to be able to find the cause of this issue and fix it :(

    I have this issue on all 3 of the computers that have Webroot Secure Anywhere running on it. Both Complete and Essentials 2012 have this issue.

    Does anyone else here every at all have their "Scan with Webroot" stop working after a while?

    I really want this fixed!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  2. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    I just Right Click Scanned "C:\Program Files" and I don't see this issue on Win 7 x64, can you please provide details as to your system and any other security software that you may be using?



    Capture25-06-2012-2.32.30 PM.jpg
  3. kdcdq

    kdcdq Registered Member

    Apr 19, 2002
    A Non-Sh*thole State
    I am running Win7 x64 on three systems also running WSA Essentials and have never had a problem with 'Scan with Webroot' and I use it often.:thumb:
  4. gate1975mlm

    gate1975mlm Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2004

    I am running Windows 7 64 Home on all 3 computers and the only other security software right now would be the windows built in firewall and Windows Defender.
  5. Dermot7

    Dermot7 Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Surrey, England.
    I used to have an issue with right-click context menu scanning whereby there was a delay (sometimes up to about 15 secs) before the scan kicked in, and I've previously mentioned this in other threads, but the problem was, I believe definitely eradicated since build .193, see changelog: https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showpost.php?p=2067870&postcount=3
    and context-menu scans are now fast and very responsive here :thumb:

    edit: removed question already answered (about software).
  6. gate1975mlm

    gate1975mlm Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2004

    Its strange because I am running Version and still have these issues at times.
  7. poo bear

    poo bear Registered Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Try turning off Windows Defender.

    Never use it myself and never have, I use WSA Complete and Malwarebytes full on many computers and have put this combination on a few punters machines, works very very well.
  8. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  9. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    The next thing I would suggest is do a clean reinstall! Uninstall without saving settings reboot and install and set it up the way you like it again, also make sure you have a copy of your License key!

    Direct Download Link: http://anywhere.webrootcloudav.com/zerol/wsainstall.exe

  10. Zorak

    Zorak Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Australian Capital Territory
    I too have problems with context menu scanning on two different PCs (see my previous thread here). My scans do eventually complete but only after a delay of anywhere from 10 seconds to well over a minute before the scan actually commences. These delays also occur when running new programs as every new file has the same delay before it gets scanned. If 5 files need to be scanned then it can take over 5 minutes before the program will eventually load!

    I have found this behaviour only occurs following a log-off/log-on. If the new user then shuts down and restarts WSA the problem goes away again until the next log-off/log-on.

    Webroot Support were able to reproduce the issue back in April but no fix has yet been forthcoming. I am currently running and am also wishing for a fix! I currently cannot install WSA on several relative's computers as I don't want to inflict this upon them :(
  11. Techfox1976

    Techfox1976 Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2010
    Why are you doing a "Scan with Webroot" though? Especially why would your relatives do it?

    On-Write scans will catch anything written.
    On-Read scans catch anything accessed.

    Seems kind of redundant to scan it again. :?
  12. gate1975mlm

    gate1975mlm Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2004

    Maybe using "Scan with Webroot" is redundant but that does not change the fact that there are issues with it.

    Also if "Scan with Webroot" is redundant then why does Webroot include it in the program in the first place?
  13. Zorak

    Zorak Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Australian Capital Territory
    Context scanning for me is simply the easiest way to reproduce the problem! The main issue is that EVERY program (including built-in Windows components) when run for the first time takes ages to load. This also applies every time an existing program is run following an update or re-install. Strangely enough, when my relatives click to start a program they do actually expect it to run! When nothing happens they tend to click again (and sometimes again and again!). When WSA finally decides to run its On-Read scan and allow the program to start, they end up with multiple instances of the program running and don't know why.

    One of my requirements for recommending security software to inexperienced users is that it will work with a minimum of fuss - this is also a claimed feature of WSA. In my experience (you mileage obviously varies of course :) )it doesn't currently fit that bill.

    I also agree with gate1975mlm - why include a feature in a program if it doesn't work?
  14. Techfox1976

    Techfox1976 Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2010
    Weird thing is that it works for a lot of people, so it's figuring out why it's not working in your case. I've got no delays in anything at all on any of my personal machines, but I have a delay in right-click scan on a VM test machine and no delay in anything else on that machine.

    My officially-unofficial opinion is that Computers Are Weird.
  15. Zorak

    Zorak Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Australian Capital Territory
    You won't get any argument from me there ;)

    Even though Webroot Support were able to reproduce the problem, they haven't produced a fix yet - probably because not many people are experiencing the problem and they have more important things to do. Unfortunately I'm running 2 from 2. I sometimes wonder however whether there are people out there accustomed to the usual anti-virus bloat and slowdowns who just think that it is normal behaviour!
  16. PrevxHelp

    PrevxHelp Former Prevx Moderator

    Sep 14, 2008
    We've had a few reports of this and it is on the list, but we have a large number of higher priority changes on-going. In the meantime, you can use the Custom Scan function under PC Security to run a custom scan of a folder, although as Techfox1976 pointed out, you really don't need to use it as WSA will already have scanned files when they're written.
  17. gate1975mlm

    gate1975mlm Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2004

    Well hopefully it will be fixed sooner rather then later :)

    Maybe how the "Scan with Webroot" is implemented needs to be totally changed.

    Just for example I have used Avast for years and years and and their "Scan with Avast" has never ever once had an issue like this where nothing happens when you clicked it. It just always worked.

    I am almost :) 100% sure there is some kind of bug in Webroot Webroot Secure Anywhere that is causing this issue. I know bugs are sometimes hard to find and that's why maybe it would be a good idea just to totally re implement "Scan with Webroot" into the software in a different way.

    Of course I am not even close to being a programmer so the above statment may not make any sense to the Webroot development team :) lol

    But having said that minus a few quirks Webroot Secure Anywhere Complete 2012 is just fantastic!
  18. PrevxHelp

    PrevxHelp Former Prevx Moderator

    Sep 14, 2008
    We've just found the issue in this and it will be fixed in the next build (actually completely unrelated to the right click scanner itself).

  19. gate1975mlm

    gate1975mlm Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2004

    Fantastic news! :)

    Thanks so much!
  20. gate1975mlm

    gate1975mlm Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2004

    Bad News! :(

    I just went on my computer and all of a sudden every time I use the "Scan with Webroot" it works however it takes like 10 Seconds to show the scanning window. Where normally it is instantly!

    So while build seems to have greatly improved the issue it did not completely fixed it yet.

    With build the "Scan with Webroot" has not stopped working yet and its been over 48 hours but now the scanning windows takes 10 seconds to open. When I first installed build the scanning windows would appear instantly And did so for about at least the first 48 horus since installing it. But all of a sudden as of now the scanning windows takes 10 seconds to appear. But I guess the good news is with build at least the "Scan with Webroot" still works even though its slow unlike with the last and early builds where it would just stop working altogether.
  21. Zorak

    Zorak Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Australian Capital Territory
    Have you logged off/on between user accounts (or even the same user account)? My scan problems always occur after a log-off/log-on. Rebooting or re-starting WSA fixes things until the next log-off/log-on.

    Having said that, version 203 has fixed my right-click scan delays but not the on-access scan delays. They still have the 10 second delay before each and every loaded exe/dll file is scanned.
  22. gate1975mlm

    gate1975mlm Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2004

    No I had it on my desktop for about 48 hours and then all of a sudden the scanning window goes from opening instantly to about 10 seconds.

    And restarting my computer fixes it.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
  23. gate1975mlm

    gate1975mlm Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2004

    The "Scan with webroot" just stopped working completely again! :(

    This is not fixed at all :(
  24. superssjdan

    superssjdan Registered Member

    Dec 11, 2011
    My scan with Webroot works just fine.If i had to guess,i would think there is some type of conflict not directly related to WSA.Would be nice if we had a tool similar to the Get system info tool in the Kaspersky forums which would give us a peek at the inner workings of your pc..progs..processes..etc.I have been using WSA-C for sometime now on both mine and my wife's machines..hers with windows firewall and mine with Privatefirewall and no problems whatsoever.I have tried to replicate your problem on my windows 7 64bit machines and i can't.I tried using mbam in realtime as well as a few others and still no problems with scan with webroot.Mine opens up instantly when i right click and scan with webroot.If i can replicate your problem i will let you know.Full scans finish in well under a minute 99% of the time anyways,but yes,i know it's frustrating when a feature you pay for does not seem to work.Maybe Joe has a way to upload info from your machine to get a better idea of what the cause of the problem is.I would probably have support remotely connect to my machine and get a better idea of what is going on.Probably a quick peek by them would probably solve the problem.Best of luck
  25. PrevxHelp

    PrevxHelp Former Prevx Moderator

    Sep 14, 2008
    Could you let me know if you use Fast User Switching or if you're logging in/out of your system frequently? There was definitely an issue here but all of the other users who were experiencing it have said it was fixed in .203.
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