Sandboxie v2.86 deleted "My Documents"

Discussion in 'sandboxing & virtualization' started by ErikAlbert, Apr 28, 2007.

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  1. Pedro

    Pedro Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2006
    When you do, use the "closed file path" comand for My Documents(ClosedFilePath=%Personal%) in the sandboxie.ini file. Or the whole D:
    As a comparison, in case it does mess with it.
    Under defaultbox (or whatever you use).

    This comand should prevent you from even looking at the folder, from the sandboxed program (browser).
  2. Bob D

    Bob D Registered Member

    Apr 18, 2005
    Mass., USA
    I must respectfully challenge that opinion.
    SandboxIE has been tested/run on MANY different puter configurations.
    I have 8 drives (4 ea on 2 HDs). Never any (even the smallest) issue.
    Yes, I know this is no consolation to you.
    And no, I'm not playing the "SandboxIE is the greatest and cannot have caused this problem" fanboy game.
    Yes, please, Erik.
    Other users will be quite curious as to the cause of this.

  3. flimbag

    flimbag Registered Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    Here also. Six partitions on four drives.

    That said, I limit what I allow Sandboxie to access by using absolute file paths. And anything I want to move out of the Sandbox, I move out manually. I like to keep stuff simple.

    Personally, I've never seen any signs of Sandboxie accessing anything outside the rigidly allocated sandbox I've established at C:\sandbox
  4. namdog

    namdog Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2007
    Eric, Sorry to hear your story.

    I have posted two or three topics about the stability of Sandboxie.
    I mentioned that Sandboxie made my PCs (2 laptop, 1 desktop, 5 vmware, 5 virtual box) frozen in 10 minutes.
    One way is to copy "Documents and Settings" from one folder to another.

    In my trial of old Sandboxie, some icons on my desktop were removed after test Sandboxie.

    I am lucky because I am protected by PowerShadow before I test Sandboxie ( Or Sandboxie test me ?).

    Last edited: Apr 28, 2007
  5. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    OK. My intention was to learn Sandboxie more in detail, because I only used it a few days.
    So I open "Help & FAQ" tab on the SB-website and open the Tutorial "Getting Started". I read that page and check, if it is all true in my Sandboxie and it was correct.
    So I click on "TestingTheSandbox" which continues the tutorial and this is the page where the disaster happened. I skipped the first test and continued with the second test using Notepad in Firefox.

    1. I open Firefox sandboxed.
    2. I open Notepad according the procedure and Notepad is also sandboxed.
    3. I type TestingTheSandbox as text in the Notepad file and store it under the name "TestingTheSandbox".
    4. I open Windows Explorer to see the real folder "My Documents".
    5. I click on "My Computer", "Data Partition [D:] to see "My Documents", because the notepad-file "TestingTheSandbox" wasn't supposed to be there, because it was stored in the SANDBOX.
    6. So I click on "My Documents" to verify this and then BANG "My Documents" was GONE.

    I don't remember exactly every single action, but I just followed the test.
    I didn't open "My Documents" via the Start-button, I opened "My Documents" via Windows Explorer. I don't think that makes a difference and it shouldn't be a difference either.

    PS: I never moved the folder "My Documents" from C to D, I created my own folder "My Documents" on D.
    My original folder "My Documents" is still on C, but EMPTY.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2007
  6. EASTER.2010

    EASTER.2010 Guest

    Another satisifed user of POWER SHADOW! who impliments the positive protection approach against such the possibility of a program malfunction = sandboxie :cautious:

    I thought it was buggy before but now if this holds true to form what happened to Erik, that program needs some serious restructuring or at the very least more in-house testing.
  7. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Can't quite duplicate this, cause I don't run firefox, but I'll play tomorrow afternoon and see what I can see.
  8. chew

    chew Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2004
    ErikAlbert, Sorry to hear about the problem ... that's very bad indeed. Sandboxie has been giving me the constant update loop to upgrade my Firefox all the time eventhough I installed the latest Sandboxie version. The advised from others was to uninstall my Firefox to fix the problem. errmm ... I don't like the idea of messing about with my Firefox so that's no good for me. Since I installed Power Shadow, Sandboxie is no longer in use so I am just going to uninstall it now. Too risky by the sound of that and I cannot afford such problem happens to me.
  9. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    It strikes me that this thread has so many PowerShadow users. :D :D :D
  10. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Does that change anything ? I will put it even stronger. Never store your personal data on an on-line computer. I hope you did this otherwise your data isn't safe either.

    Besides this has nothing to do with this bug of Sandboxie.

    Where to put your documents is another problem.
  11. EASTER.2010

    EASTER.2010 Guest

    Care to join that crowd? :D
  12. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    I'm not in a hurry I'm busy with Anti-Executable now. DefenseWall is also a possible choice. Finding the right softwares is my biggest problem. AE has at least a good documentation.
    My best buy is still FirstDefense-ISR, all the rest doesn't satisfy me, maybe ShadowProtect, who knows.
  13. EASTER.2010

    EASTER.2010 Guest

    Indeed! I'm also looking at matters in the exact manner.

    FD-ISR is completely swung me around a FULL 360! not 180. I had no idea at the time i was rambling about in the forums, testing and discussing malware prevention that this single program was as POWERFUL and RELIABLE as it's proven out to be, although a vast majority of completely satisfied users right here kept pounding away at that point over and over again. (Like you still do) :D

    Now enters ShadowProtect and from everything i've seen and read from it's users here comes yet another POWERFUL & DEPENDABLE overall recovery system that is very likely unmatched of it's kind sort of in the same category as FD-ISR!

    After all these years with these notoriously unpredicable computing machines i feel that only now that i'm beginning to become fully COMPLETE!!!
  14. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Since I bought my new computer, I have spent all my freetime on Image Backup and above all on Immediate System Recovery.
    Now I'm going to spend all my time on security softwares that fit in a frozen snapshot.
    My bad experience with Sandboxie was an excellent test to prove that my recovery solution works. I got all my data back in no time.

    I won't have the same result with security softwares, I know this already in advance. They are just not good enough, but my frozen snapshot will cover all the failures of these security softwares.
  15. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003

    I did the test Exactly like he said, using IE and I copy/pasted his string. I did close notepad before I went looking for it. Had no trouble first seeing the file wasn't there. Recovered the file, and there it was. Depending how you created a new My Documents which is a special windows thingie, and how you saved the file, I'd bet that is where the problem lie.

    On a system set up like Microdaddy suggests Sandboxie worked as advertised.

    Note to those that don't know. I am setup with everything on my C; drive and one partition. Works fine.

  16. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Easter it's kinda funny. I used to be scared to death of doing a restore. Now, starting as Erik did with a new machine, and then finding ShadowProtect, restoring has become Ho Hum. Did two restores on my machine just tonight playing around. And if you think FDISR and something like SP makes you invincible through in a VMware virtual machine. There you can do a rollback that FDISR,Rollback,Eazfix,Shadowuser, and PowerShadow cant do. You can take a snapshot, then format the disk, and rollback to the snapshot, and you are right back where you started. Amazing.

  17. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    It's almost predictable that your testing would be successfull. That doesn't surprise me. Sandboxie just can't handle all situations. So it's not the right software for me. I have no problem with this. Sandboxie isn't the only software. :)
  18. Rmus

    Rmus Exploit Analyst

    Mar 16, 2005
    I have never been in favor of moving a Shell folder. People did it back in Win95/98 days by manually changing a ShellFolders key in the Registry, and the procedure was simplified when TweakUI was released (GUI editor for the Registry). But I never liked the idea.

    A simpler way is to just avoid using "C:/...My Documents" at all, and just assign a different default FileSaveAs path, and other File Locations Paths, for your programs. Most programs have Options settings, such as MSWord:

    Your browser download folder can be anywhere you want.
    You can create your Pictures, Music, etc directories anywhere you want.

    Installing Deep Freeze for a user, for example, requires at least two partitions for the Home Edition,
    because you don't want anything to write to C:\, since it is removed on reboot.



    "Talking About Security Can Lead To Anxiety, Panic, And Dread...
    Or Cool Assessments, Common Sense And Practical Planning..."
    --Bruce Schneier​
  19. EASTER.2010

    EASTER.2010 Guest

    Likewise Pete.

    In my case i had way too many awkward experiences with backup programs over the seasons to ever think i could ever be comfortable with any type of program imaging or backup solution again.
    That was before FD! It's just so stable & quick to restore EVERYTHING! totally intact! Plus affords me to set several snaps with completely different configurations not to mention customized interfaces/bootscreens/log-in screens and all that eye-candy that $M would never offer by default. With FD you can experience SEVERAL! and preserve them via archives by keeping them updated. AWESOME!!

    The only full imaging program that's afforded some relief for me however is been PARAGON's, but even then i always held my breath till the activity finally proved successful. I still can depend on Paragon to a point but i always felt there was something more that a full imaging program could offer which would COMPLETE that virtue of FULL CONFIDENCE. I don't even have it yet but already can anticipate that ShadowProtect will far excell in much the same manner as FD is done and thus make full-imaging jobs as routine & rapid as opening and closing notepad to coin a very simple analogy. :)
  20. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    I did NOT move any folder created by Windows from [C:] to [D:], because I didn't want to make Windows unstable.
    My system partition is exactly the same as Peter's harddisk. All folders under C:\Document and Settings are still on my system partition [C:], I just don't use them, they are EMPTY. That's all.

    I only moved the profiles folder of Firefox and Thunderbird, but these are not created by Windows.
    Mozilla even describes how to do this on their websites.

    I like this separation and no software like Sandboxie is going to change this.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2007
  21. Rmus

    Rmus Exploit Analyst

    Mar 16, 2005
    OK, I misunderstood your first post,

    I recall in another thread you were talking about moving folders from C:\ to D:\

    Please explain Pedro's and your comment about moving a folder.

  22. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Yes but that is MY folder created by me, that's not the folder created by Windows.
    I talked about this, but I never did it in practice.
    When I re-install my computer, I will give my "My Documents" another name to avoid confusion. For instance : "My Shyt".
  23. Rmus

    Rmus Exploit Analyst

    Mar 16, 2005
    OK, thanks. That clears up the matter.

  24. Kees1958

    Kees1958 Registered Member

    Jul 8, 2006
    Don't let your leg pulled by an Auzzie, they are just jaleous. I always tease my Australian relatives when they asked whether I tried their beer by responding: "Yeah man it is like a canoeing on the ocean". Then they ask you to explain "well it is closest thing to water and keeps you thirsty"


    Regards K
  25. Meriadoc

    Meriadoc Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2006
    :eek: Wow, that's unfortunate! never seen that with SB - but thats why we have back up and recovery strategies in place eh.
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