Sandboxie doesn't seem to work with this new Windows update. Does anyone have any suggestions? It says SBIE2331 Service start failed: [22 / 5] Access is denied. The Sandboxie driver (SbieDrv) is not available to sandbox programs. Make sure both the driver and Sandboxie service (SbieSvc) have started successfully.
put {path_to_installation*}\sbiedrv.sys as exception into windows defender settings (this do not apply to build 5.33.6 - latest from sophos) *regular here: C:\Program Files\Sandboxie\SbieDrv.sys discussed here: HTH
I added C:\Program Files\Sandboxie\SbieDrv.sys to exclusions under virus and threat protection in Windows Security, but nothing changed. Am I adding it incorrectly? If so, please guide me to the correct location and method. My SbieDrv.sys shows version last modified 04/23/19. Windows Defender won't allow me to input SbieDrv.sys. I inputted Sandboxie Start, and that didn't do anything either. I attempted to go through the 22 page thread you linked, but I got lost. If the answer is there, please tell me what page to look on.
According to Belarc Advisor, I have Sandboxie Holdings - Sandboxie Installer version (32/64-bit)
I am using 5.33.6 from here It is working fine with Win 10 2004 and this month's Win Update.
I see a Sandboxie 5.43.5 available. Which would be better to download?
It's more about which will work for you. 5.33.6 is from Sophos who owned Sbie before it went open source. The Sbie driver is signed. 5.43.5 is an open source fork build from dev DavidXanatos on Github which has a thread on this forum. Please see the important note on his page.