Same Log in Box For ID & Passwords

Discussion in 'malware problems & news' started by highbids, Jan 18, 2006.

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  1. highbids

    highbids Registered Member

    Jan 18, 2006

    I've noticed that the same log in box keeps popping up when I
    try and log in to some of my subscribed sites.

    Has anyone else have this happen, I must have had the same
    one pop up with a set of keys for a logo & it asking for an ID
    & password.

    Could this be a root kit or Trojan.

  2. Tassie_Devils

    Tassie_Devils Global Moderator

    May 8, 2002
    State Queensland, Australia
    Hi Highbids, welcome to the forum. :)

    Well, normally for me anyway, the Log-In component of any forum/subscribed site is NOT a pop-up box, rather its within the site itself. I have *never* had a 'pop-up' box for any site to log-in on yet.

    Generally when you get to the page you have your favourites/bookmark/shortcut linked to, and if you do not have a cookie set to remember the log-in the page will show a section to log-in on, typing in ID/PW straight up or alternatively you see a link that says "Log-In", you click and page usually then either has a drop down menu, or it moves to another section but you still log-in from the site itself. NO pop-up box.

    For eg: coming here to Wilders... NO pop-up box, do you get one for logging in on Wilders?

    I would seriously consider clicking on one of the Online Scanning links in my sig and getting a full system scan.

    have you scanned yourself? what security apps are you running?

    Cheers, TAS
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