Ryzen 5 2600 or i5-9400f?

Discussion in 'hardware' started by solitarios, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. solitarios

    solitarios Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2016
    Hello, I would like to know which is better if the R5 2600 or 9400f since in my country they are at the same price. The R5 has more Cores and Threads but according to some pages the 9400f is better so I ask around here. It is for updating a 7700. Thank you very much in advance.
  2. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Registered Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    What is gonna be the main usage of this computer? Gaming?

    i5 9400F has less threads, but more IPC, so depending on the software that are you running it will have a better performance.

    Personally I prefer the Ryzen line nowadays, specially considering the security problems with Intel processors and the patchs ruining its performance.
  3. solitarios

    solitarios Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2016
    I have a pc ready for games but I am occasionally playing. So my question is related to the improvement of overall performance of the pc. Specifically when I am using multiple browsers, MS Word, MTGO plus some other Steam and Blizzard client games sometimes.
    In conclusion, that I should have clarified in my first post, the pc is for games as well as for office tasks and for editing.
    Thank you.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2020
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