I've run into a problem, I get this error when trying to activate virtual mode: insufficient disk space on the disk :\. At least...... etc. Yes the letter is missing, under settings it says 'protected disk = :' no letter or anything just the colon, my system partition is c:\ Is there a way (registry, ini file?) to make it recognize that it needs to use this drive for the program to work. Not sure if you need anymore info like that its an EeePC with an OCZ SSD drive. On another install, I've found that if there's a Z:\ drive on your system and you're trying to install or run returnil it will just silently fail, the service won't start and it tells you nothing at all (other than the service is not running). I renamed the drive letter and it was ok. A warning would help techs and customers out a lot in this situation. It'd be even better if you could select the drive letter it want's to lockdown (or even be able to use the letter if it's not actually being used at all by the program). Modern systems are less and less using floppy drives.. A: and especially B: are practically obsolete with the invent of usb drives.
Hi derben and welcome to the forums Your report is not expected so we will need to gather more information from the system with the issue so the team can take a closer look. To that end, please open a technical support ticket by sending an e-mail to support (dash) tech (at) returnil (dot) com with the following logs files: NOTE: some files are located in a hidden directory so you will need to be certain that you have the "Show hidden files and folders" option activated in Windows Explorer: 1. The rvs3.log and rvs3.inst.log files in the following folder: "C:\ProgramData\Returnil\RVS3\log" All versions: 2. Windows MSINFO32 report: Click START > RUN or search depending on version of Windows > Type MSINFO32. On the System Information screen click FILE > Export and then save the file where you can find it to attach to your support e-mail. Thanks Mike
Is there a solution for this problem? I have exact the same error Protected Disk in virtual mode says :
Hello droeftoeter and welcome to the forums See the post above yours and send us the requested logs so we can investigate what the issue might be... Mike