hi i have a problem with 2 draytek vigor 2200usb adsl router/firewall,s 1 @my house 1@ my mates . when i do a scan on my systems and my mates with http://www.securitymetrics.com/portscan.adp it shows up my internal ip of the system i am scanning .i thougt the whole point in having a router is that you cant see past the router to the internal network?is there a setting i need to change or are they faulty . thanks for any advice dave.
Hi Dave! I use an DSL D-Link Router connected to a LAN and I had the same problem when visiting webpages. Everyone could see my IP! I use Naviscope 8.70 to hide my system information. I also let my ISP assign me an "IP du jour" when I log on. I hope this is helpful. (Even if it isn't, the other members should be able to explain it. Right, guys?)
I'm getting the same results - i.e. the page shows the internal IP of whatever system I've run the scan on - rather scary in fact. -javacool
The scan comes up as all stealth of course , but I still do not like the fact that it determined my internal IP address... -javacool
I run twin 3com 3c510 routers, and I did some tests: a win98se computer gave up the inside IP. a linux mandrake 8.2 box did not. conclusion: your computer is freely offering this info. (thank M$ for that)
That's what I was assuming, as I did notice it starts up the Java run-time engine plug-in when you do the test. And yes, although the address isn't portable, I'm still concerned that this gives someone an easy way to determine if you are behind a router, using NAT of some sort. And yes, although it does seem to require executing code on the target system (thus any type of "scan" would not work) - it still is something I'd rather not able to be broadcasted out to the world. Oh well. -javacool
If I run a ftp server and someone connects to it with IPswitch's ws_ftppro/LE they can always see the inside IP. There is no way around this apparently. The ftp client isn't supposed to display this info, but it apparently needs it to connect properly. I agree that is isn't a huge deal, but still I don't like it. It IS valuble info to a hacker. One could argue that any hacker that got past your router is going to get that IP anyway, but why help the dirty bastich?
Mines the same its getting my internal ip,s.Heres another one that also gets my real ip. http://www.auditmypc.com/