Rollback Home Free Help

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by khanyash, Mar 17, 2015.

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  1. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004

    Undeniably, your configuration does not lend itself to COLD-RAW imaging, but then again I 'think' most Windows users on Wilders have a much smaller C drive/partition. However, there are ways to HOT image an RBrx system, and then there is the forthcoming DC6... ;)

  2. Keatah

    Keatah Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2011
    It will be interesting to see how this all works and comes together. Wonder if it will be robust enough to join the ranks of Acronis and Macrium and other imagers? Wonder how it will handle bare metal restore?
  3. Keatah

    Keatah Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2011
    I was going to say.. I'd be separating the OS/Applications from the data. There's nothing to say a 1TB disk can't be imaged in it's entirety, however it is a lot of work and time consuming. When there are large data sets involved you use a filesyncing method.

    I also like to keep large data sets broken up into smaller totally independent files so that if a bit flips here or there, I don't loose the whole shebang! I would never image a 1TB media drive full of pictures or music files. Something goes wrong with a few bits here and there and I lose everything. But with file syncing a bad bit would only put one file at risk.
  4. TerryWood

    TerryWood Registered Member

    Jan 14, 2006
    Hi Kurtis Smejkal

    I thank you for you your offer of a free free key. But it was NOT my intention to solicit "freebies". I also believe your offer was genuine. The problem you have got is:-

    1) you work for HDS.

    2) There are a lot of people on Wilders who are human, but dedicated and honest, who have helped me a lot over the years. They are not stupid, neither am I, but they are better equipped than I to make judgements on issues such as HDS & Rollback RX.

    3) I look at a lot of forums (for advice and information and to learn) and NEVER have I seen such BILE exhibited towards one supplier (HDS) of software. These are people that I do not know personally, but respect their judgement and integrity. Ok they may go over the top from time to time. They are my guardians from foul up. Not HDS, or Kurt Smejkal or AX Time Machine. It is simply called a Community.

    There are those who are more middle of the road a) because they know what they are doing ie the great "RollBack Frog" b) because they are risk takers.

    What I would say to you is this, Macrium Reflect has had an excellent reputation over many years, as opposed to HDS. (yeah there have been minor criticisms but not of the scale RollBack RX HDS) It (Macrium Reflect) has now produced a new version which appears on my reading to eclipse AX64 TM and to remove some or all of the risk of using RX. The difference being virtually no hostility or criticism of the function of the new Macrium Reflect by the Wilders cognoscenti.

    Ask yourself why? It is the same people at Wilders. Are we to suggesting that they are biased towards Macrium. Or that they are similarly biased against HDS. The answer is clear to me. Because I have been on this forum a long time. Yes you get cranks. Yes you get product pushers. BUT generally the comments made on Wilders are from people who care.

    Passions run high as you can see from this thread. No supplier is guaranteed success. He has to earn it. When new representatives (of software suppliers) arrive they have to "earn their spurs".

    I trust more the collective expertise of Wilders. HDS has to earn my trust. I am not going to accept your offer of a free key which I accept was proffered in good faith and with goodwill. I simply prefer Wilders counsel.

  5. Keatah

    Keatah Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2011
    My wife says the true test of your backup procedure is if your system is stolen; can you get up and running with minimal or no data loss after you replaced your hardware?

    The failure here is that your hardware ceased to exist. A properly functioning backup will be complete enough to put everything back the way it was. This includes the necessary install files for all software, pre-downloaded already, user data, OS, disk image, config files, preferences, all that good stuff.

    Will DC6 fit the bill?
  6. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    Words of wisdom, but in addition to that good advice I would add... be sure to protect your backup storage device from also being stolen! ;)

  7. Kurtis Smejkal

    Kurtis Smejkal Registered Member

    Mar 17, 2015
    Vancouver, BC
    I'm starting to see the 'why' and I also have other employees who have been on this thread before who have supplied me with a backstory to the situation on here.

    As for earning my 'spurs' I get that. We've done plenty to earn the trust of many users, I won't go into specifics but Drive Cloner's Version 6 has had a lot of heat and we're using that to produce a positive outcome for all.

    I respect your decision, and it was genuine, everything I do on here is.

  8. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004

    As a very long-time RBrx user I see the situation being summed-up as follows (without specifics)...

    1. Sure RBrx has had bugs with every new release - then again, what software hasn't?

    2. Too often, HDS tech-support just hasn't been helpful (in a timely fashion) for many users experiencing problems. This may be due to limited resources but nevertheless must be improved.

    3. In the past, HDS has made bold (untrue) statements about RBrx, which have been very misleading.

    4. The evolution of DC6 has been way too long in coming. But (imho) once it is 'ready for prime time' it should be integrated with RBrx as a snapshot-bockup suite (similar to the way DC was integrated with RBrx v8 several years ago).

    Correcting these issues will go a long way in earning back the trust of those who have been burned and those who shy away because of the 'bad press'. It will take time, but it is doable.

  9. Keatah

    Keatah Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2011
    Any backup plan worth anything should tell you to separate the backup from the computer by some distance; could be next door, cloud, cross-country. Furthermore, any backup plan will have been tested in its entirety in order to guarantee the procedure will work.

    First few times I did this back in the 486 days I swapped in blank HDD (effectively a new computer) and it failed, again, and again. Eventually I figured out what I was doing wrong and got the right options going. I went through another spurt of failed backups again 2004-2005 till I found the right software.

    Without the testing it would have been as if I never made them. DISASTER! With the testing done and procedure documented step-by-step (simple as it is though) I never had a problem. And I don't encounter those ohh-**** moments either.

    Yes you have a backup, but can you use it? Can you use it with confidence? Could you purposely wreck your system and not be hanging on the edge of your seat while the restore process takes place? Can you do Sunday Morning Tea and be at ease as that progress bar moves from left to right?
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
  10. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    There is a bigger issue also. Technicals. Windows updates can be a mess, but that's what Recovery, snapshot programs are for. Having windows trash a snapshot program is a disaster.

    But software disaster aren't new. I used to beta test Shadowprotect, and one beta when I tested the restore was a beaut. I always was deleting the volume and restoring. Sometime I still do. My machine at the time had two drives. I imaged one and stored on the other. When I deleted the volume, the bug resulted in both volumes being deleted. So bye bye images. See me in a cold sweat. That was late on a Sunday, and I emailed my contact. By Monday morning they had confirmed the bug, and by that afternoon it was fixed. Then they devoted their resources to my mess and had me up and running like nothing had happened fairly quickly.

    So the HDS solution to the windows update problem is to check their website and make sure updates are safe. That is beyond limp. They should be burning the midnight oil to fix the problem. How can I be confident in their drive cloner fix, if they won't or can't fix RBx.

    This isn't bad press

  11. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004

    No disagreement from me. However on Sunday (and every) morning I prefer coffee - if that's ok. ;)

  12. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    I test restore over 80% of my images.
  13. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    Pete, I for one believe HDS took the only reasonable approach re Windows automatic updates. It's impossible for them to 'burn the midnight oil' fixing a conflict that an unexpected Windows patch might bring about. Microsoft isn't about to provide HDS with a preview of their monthly patches ahead of their release date!

  14. Keatah

    Keatah Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2011
    There are several things RBRX can do to fix itself if a volume is modified outside of the kernal. In fact, this could be made nearly foolproof. There is a way to contain the damage done by such activity. And a way to repair it.
  15. taotoo

    taotoo Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2013
    IMO software that isnt compatible with automatic updates is unviable. The least they could do is have a pop up 24 hours after updates release reminding users to manually install them.
  16. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    What do you suggest? :confused:
  17. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    Windows Updates can be configured to pretty much do that. You just shouldn't install them until they are 'cleared' by HDS ...and in that regard, I would suggest to HDS that they setup a dedicated section on their Forum, which is maintained in a timely fashion!

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
  18. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    They sure can. The should fix the program so that doesn't happen again. It's not up to microsoft, it's up to HDS, to make sure it can't happen again, and if the can't...pfeff
  19. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    I believe you misunderstood me. Certainly HDS should modify RBrx so that it is compatible with new Windows patches, and they do. I'm just saying that it's impossible for HDS to anticipate and correct RBrx for Windows patches until after Microsoft releases them (and if Keatah has a better solution for dealing with Windows Updates, I'm sure HDS would be very receptive)!

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
  20. Keatah

    Keatah Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2011
    My suggestions need certain changes to how the kernel operates and is not something end users could do straight away.
  21. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    You are missing my point. If RBx is that vulnerable there is a real problem. I've seen a lot of crappy windows update, but non of them ever broke IR, or any imaging program
  22. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    From the FWIW Dept...

    Microsoft made the (5) updates available for testing the W8.1 Upd 1 10-days before they were issued, primarily so software developers could check them out. HDS failed to take up their offer, and on the morning they were issued, HDS systems running W8.1 with automatic updates all got blasted. They then sent out an emerg msg to their Forums to avoid that update.

    Folks, that's NOT the way to do it.
  23. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    Pete, that's a consequence of the way RBrx modifies Windows. I do believe that HDS should address this in their marketing releases (truth in advertising), but the bottom line is if you don't like the way RBrx works, don't use it. I understand the risks and know how to circumvent or minimize them. That's been working for me for nearly a decade ...and just in case, I create backup images on a regular basis.

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
  24. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    Froggie, that's news to me (perhaps because I don't use W8.x). Would you please provide references to support those allegations?

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
  25. manolito

    manolito Registered Member

    Apr 23, 2013
    This is getting kind of ridiculous...

    @ Peter2150
    You should by now have some basic understanding how Rollback works, and without changing this there is no way for HDS to make it fool proof with certain MS Windows updates. You are basically asking HDS to either change the fundamental way Rollback works (making it much slower and less versatile) or give up on it altogether. Not too creative... I'd suggest you just don't use it.

    @ Keatah
    You are saying that you know how Rollback could be improved to overcome the current issues with Windows updates, but you do not really tell us or HDS how this could be done. Comments like these

    There are several things RBRX can do to fix itself if a volume is modified outside of the kernal. In fact, this could be made nearly foolproof. There is a way to contain the damage done by such activity. And a way to repair it.

    will not do. Please get in contact with HDS and teach them how to fix this issue... (or just shut up)

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
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