Right-click-context-menu in Windows Explorer

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by FanJ, Aug 30, 2003.

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  1. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    WOW, You might like this free utility :)

    Name: Copy This Path
    Site: http://camtech2000.com/Pages/Useful.html

    What does it do?
    It adds a "command" to your right-click-menu in Explorer.
    When you hightlight a file (or folder) in Explorer, right-click on your mouse, and you will see that command.
    When you click on that command, it will copy the full path to your clipboard.

    There is no need to start "Copy This Path" every time.
    You can tell it once what you like it to do and you're settled. You can always change its settings.
    It gives you two options:
    - to add that command to your right click menu.
    - to tell it also to open Notepad in which it will copy the full path of a file or folder.

    (maybe you'll need the MS VB6runtime).

    I guess a lot of people will like this utility.
    For example: if you're using TDS-3 and you want to add your own files to its CRC32-checksum-feature: then you need to add the full path of a program.

    Here is a quote from the Camtech2000 site:

    If you work a lot with the paths to files or folders like I do, this can be a time saving tool. This will add the command 'Copy This Path' to the right click context menu in Windows Explorer to copy the full path of a file or folder to Windows Clipboard. The additional option 'Auto Send' automatically opens Notepad with the copied path already pasted in.

    ---end quote---

    I just installed this program on my W 98 SE box.
    Here comes a screenshot of the program itself:

    [Dan - Thread name changed per Jan's recommendation :) ]

    Attached Files:

  2. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Re:Copy This Path from Camtech2000

    Here comes a screenshot of a part of my right-click-menu

    (sorry, I use the Dutch version of Windows).

    Attached Files:

  3. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Re:Copy This Path from Camtech2000

    Now, as an example, I got to the exe-file of "Copy This Path".
    I right clicked on the file.
    I left clicked on the command "Copy This Path".
    And then I will hit the keys Contrl-V to paste the full path of that file here in this thread ;) :

    C:\Program Files\Camtech\Copy This Path\Copythis.exe
  4. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Re:Copy This Path from Camtech2000

    Well, as far as I'm concerned, this might get a 5-stars :)

    Some other remarks:

    I myself use the not-free program PowerDesk Pro from V-COM (formerly it was from Ontrack).
    I am extremely happy with it !!!
    It is one of my most used programs.
    It is everything that Windows Explorer should have been.
    In a different way as "Copy This Path" it gives me a quick way to get the name or the full path of a file.
    Nevertheless, so far I'm happy with this free utility (and I hope others will feel the same).

    For many months now I use another free utility from Camtech2000:
    It is called RefreshEm.
    It fixes your Icon Cache in case it gets corrupted.
  5. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

  6. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Re:Copy This Path from Camtech2000

    I've been using these for so long that I don't even remember to tout them very much anymore: CopyPath

  7. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Re:Copy This Path from Camtech2000

    Thanks Pete !!!
  8. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Re:Copy This Path from Camtech2000

    You're quite welcome, sir! Pete
  9. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Re:Copy This Path from Camtech2000

    Another one is: rjhExtensions


    Quotes from the ReadMe file:

    rjhExtensions is a simple utility that will add a number of
    useful functions to the context menu of Windows Explorer.
    The utility consists of the extensions and an organizer that
    allows you to control the placement of the extensions.

       Path to clipboard:
        Copies the path of the selected folder or file to the
       Shred File(s):
        Overwrites and then deletes the selected file or files.
        WARNING: Shredded files cannot be recovered.
       Rename Files:
        The Rename Files extension allows you to quickly and
        easily rename multiple files in multiple folders.
       Encrypt File:
        The Encrypt/Decrypt extension allows you to easily
        encrypt and then decrypt any file using a modified
        version of the powerful Blowfish encryption algorithm.
       Duplicate File(s):
        Creates a copy of the selected file or files in the
        same directory. The duplicate files will maintain the
        properties of the original.
       Copy directory list to file:
        Creates a file named "dir.txt" in the selected directory
        which contains a list of all files, their dates and sizes,
        in the selected directory.
       Print directory list:
        Sends a list of all files, their dates and sizes, in the
        selected directory to the default printer.

    rjhExtensions Organizer
    The organizer is a small application that allows you to
    select which extensions will appear on the context menu,
    whether the extension will be on the main context menu or
    a submenu and the order in which the extensions will appear
    on the menu.

    -end quote-

    Here comes a screenshot of its Organizer:

    Attached Files:

  10. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Re:Copy This Path from Camtech2000

    Another screenshot explaining the difference between Main and Sub:

    Attached Files:

  11. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Re:Copy This Path from Camtech2000

    And here the last screenshot of rjhExtensions where you see the sub-menu of rjhExtensions on the right-click-context-menu:

    Attached Files:

  12. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Re:Copy This Path from Camtech2000


    Maybe this whole thread should be re-named to:
    "Right-click-context-menu in Windows Explorer".
  13. Dan Perez

    Dan Perez Retired Moderator

    May 18, 2003
    Sunny San Diego

    Hey Jan!

    Thanks so much for the links and screenshots, I will definitely have to try out some of these!


  14. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Dan ;)

    You're welcome !
    I have now installed the ones from Camtech and rjhExtensions. I will soon also install that "Ninotech Path Copy 4" to have a look at it.
  15. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    OK, I have now installed Ninotech Path Copy 4.

    It added an entry called "Copy Path" to my right-click-context-menu.
    That gives a sub-menu in which I have now (see screenshot):

    Attached Files:

  16. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    In that setup entry I get this:

    Attached Files:

  17. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    To give you some examples I used it to copy some long/short names of files and folders of two of Karen's Tools:

    Karen's Computer Profiler:

    File Long Path:
    C:\Program Files\Karen's Computer Profiler\PTProfiler.exe

    File Short Path:

    Folder Long Name:
    C:\Program Files\Karen's Computer Profiler\

    Folder Short Name:

    Karen's Version Browser:

    File Long Path:
    C:\Program Files\Karen's Version Browser\PTBrowse.exe

    File Short Path:

    Folder Long Name:
    C:\Program Files\Karen's Version Browser\

    Folder Short Name:


    It are those short names that you will see in DOS (if your OS has still DOS :rolleyes:).
  18. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Some quotes from the ReadMe:

    Ninotech Path Copy is a shell extension that enables you to copy the path of
    a file or directory to the Clipboard from inside the Windows Explorer. All you
    have to do is to open the Windows Explorer, right-click the item(s) of interest
    and choose "Copy Path" in the context menu.

    Ninotech Path Copy Installation:
    Uninstall any old copy of Ninotech Path Copy before installing this copy of
    Ninotech Path Copy.

    Right-click on PATHC400.INF file and choose "Install" in the context menu.
    If a dialog appears asking the location of the files, navigate to the files
    and click OK (in most cases, the correct path will already be shown).

    Ninotech Path Copy Requirements:
    Ninotech Path Copy requires system libraries distributed with Microsoft
    Internet Explorer 3.0 or later.

    -end quote-
    Some remarks by me:

    The installation talks about: PATHC400.INF file
    Well, I downloaded the ZIP-file, unzipped it.
    Then there was not such a file, but there was: PATHCOPY.INF
    So I used that one instead.
    Indeed a dialog appeared asking me for the location of the other (unzipped) files, and I pointed it to that location.
    All was fine after that.
  19. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    And here comes a completely other one:
    DigestIT 2003


    What does this one do?
    No copy path or something like that this time.

    It is also free.
    It adds another option to your right-click-context-menu (also called Shell Extension).
    It gives you the possibility to right click on a file and then calculate its MD5 or SHA1 checksum.

    Well, I know that not a lot of people use those things but maybe one day you might need the use of it.

    (In case you want to read a bit more about checksums, HASHES and checksum-algoritms, then you could for example have a look at the special NISFileCheck forum at this board).

    Before I give a little screenshot, I would like to thank David and Ted for their always nice List of lists, where I found this tool.

    Attached Files:

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