
Discussion in 'sandboxing & virtualization' started by biatche, May 14, 2007.

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    EASTER Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2007
    U.S.A. (South)
    Not silly at all.

    It's a legitimate question about an internal hardware part every PC depends on to function normally.

    IF your memory modules are more resilient or robust compared to the electronic activity acting on the mechanical workings of the read/write heads of a hard drive, there IS an authentic comparison between the two.

    I've experienced memory module failures before where THEY were the absolute final alternative as a culprit to malfunction.

    This is not to insinuate placing more demand on it via any program depletes it's life expectancy, i think it's just another hardware item (electronic) which also happens be a genuine circuit part, and my question is a very logical one; especially in view that many of us here simply take it for granted.
  2. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    My bad Easter. You were talking about disk usage in general. Different issue. I still doubt if you could measure the impact though. I gave my oldest desktop to some friends, and it is now four years old. I probably defragged the disk at least once a week, and it is still going strong. Same with the current machines. Whats the comparable wear to doing a defrag and image and restore, every two days, and sometimes two and three times a day. I would suspect by comparison the wear and tear returnil saves by using ram instead of the disk is not measurable.


  3. pandlouk

    pandlouk Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    Pete, retrunil does not use the ram to save the data. It only virtualise-redirects the mft writes to the ram. But the data is writen on the disk. ;)
  4. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    No surprise there, but the implication put forth by returnil folks is that data is kept in ram.
  5. pandlouk

    pandlouk Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    Actually, they say that clones the computer’s System Partition in ram; for cloning a partition you only need the partition table. When Returnil is active the data is writen on the disk but the partition does not know it. They do not say anywhere that the data is writen-redirected in ram. :)

    ps. The same technology is used by ShadowDefender (although I suspect that virtualizes the mft on the disk and not in ram as returnil does). That is why when you submit a file, it is copied again on the disk (during that copy ShadowDefender uses the real mft instead of the virtual). ;)
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2007
  6. tradetime

    tradetime Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    Thought I'd return to this thread, since I have carried out a reformat of the PC that was causing a problem with Returnil. Reinstalled the same security software, and re-installed Returnil, and the problem no longer exists. Returnil appears to run flawlessly. Sadly I have no idea what the prior problem was, but clearly it was something unique in that particular system setup.
    Now a happy camper :cool:
  7. Long View

    Long View Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2004
    Cromwell Country
    Reformatting solves many problems. when people complain about a certain program not working I always wonder if they would have the same problem on a clean system - especially one with little or no security software preventing legitimate programs from running.

    At the moment I can't use the latest Returnil beta because of a problem when I restore my system image and then do an offline defrag. Perfect disk fails. The particular pc is long overdue for a reformat and is the only one which has not been clean imaged. I could blame Returnil, Perfect Disk or even Acronis but as the same combination works fine on other systems I have to conclude it is just the general degradation of machines which builds up overtime, unless that is you use freeze programs or imaging.
  8. tradetime

    tradetime Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    Very true, which is why I am very slow to critisize a program because it will not work on one of my machines. Instead I will go to great lengths, assuming the program is important enough to me to determine if the problem is due somehow to my setup. Given the infinite range of setups individuals could have it impresses me how software developers are able to on the whole make their products so compatable, which is why I am a little disappointed I was not able to offer anyone from Returnil who frequents here some idea of what the problem was.
  9. tradetime

    tradetime Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    Ho hum, new problem, on one of my computers Returnil has suddenly decided it wants a password to do anything, needless to say, since I didn't program it with a password, I am somewhat at a loss to guess what that password might be?? I am the only person who uses this computer.
    Anyone come across this before? (btw this is the last version of returnil, not the betas that are testing currently)
  10. Old Monk

    Old Monk Registered Member

    Feb 8, 2005
    Sheffield, UK
    Hi tradetime

    Not had a password problem as such but day before yesterday, for no apparent reason it wouldn't let me into session lock '' device failed/not loaded'' or something to that effect

    Turns out the serial key had disappeared o_O

    Had to uninstall/reinstall.
  11. tradetime

    tradetime Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    Thanks, at the moment I can do nothing with it without a password

    Fortunately I have a recent fd-isr sanpshot without it so I can rollback, but would like to see if there is another way to solve this problem, as otherwise I will have to remove it from my system and give up on it, I thought the disappearing serial number bug was resolved, I can't get into it to see if that is the problem as it wants a password for everything. :(
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2007
  12. Old Monk

    Old Monk Registered Member

    Feb 8, 2005
    Sheffield, UK

    I've no doubt Coldmoon will be along in due course :)
  13. tradetime

    tradetime Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    Yes, no doubt, is odd, this is not the computer I have had problems with before, this one has run quite happily with Returnil on for some four weeks now. The only thing I started to do differently just since yesterday was mount the virtual dirve in order to back up Opera bookmarks during a session, as this computer has only one drive, one partition. Today booted as normal, and in fact was able to load the virtual drive ok as itm is not set to mount on boot, nor the program to lock either. So I was able to open the UI without a password and mount the virtual drive, then everything required a password, could not get the UI back up without one, could not uninstall without one, really odd.
  14. Coldmoon

    Coldmoon Returnil Moderator

    Sep 18, 2006
    Hello tradetime,
    Can you describe what was happening just before this occured? If the program access option was turned on, but you did not set a password, the default password would be blank or IOW no password. In this case you would just hit enter when challenged and the GUI should open.

    If this does not solve the issue, try common passwords you have used in the past to see if one of them has been set. Though you may be the only one who uses the system regularly, it may have been accessed by someone else in the house (family maybe?)

    Also be aware that the Serial Number in the Personal Edition is already included but is unique to each installation. This means it cannot be used again in another install. Even if reinstalling to the same computer, do not alter the SN that is shown during the install process.

    And to confirm: You are using the final release version of 1.62 Personal Edition?


    Edit: Spelling
  15. tradetime

    tradetime Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    Hi Mike,
    Ok program was installed on a Toshiba laptop running XP MCE SP2 fully patched.
    Was running fine, no problems for about 4 weeks, session lock at my discretion, ie not set to lock from bootup. No password entered or used. VP was set at 1GB, mounted at my discretion (not from boot).
    up until yesterday I had not been using the VP at all, but loaded it yesterday and saved some data to it.
    Today, system start up as normal, Returnil loaded as normal, no warnings or any evidence of a problem. GUI opened normally and I mounted the VP and copied files from the VP saved yesterday to the system. I then attempted to re-open the GUI a few minutes later and the program requested a password. Definitely no-one could have set one up.
    I have rolled the system back now so cannot check what would happen if I entered a blank password (appologies, didn't expect you to be around so soon) I will re-install and monitor under the same conditions and if it repeats I will come back to you. I do have it on a desktop after reformat of that machine but no VP and so far no probs.

    PS: Yes version 162 and using the serial code and number supplied at the time of install
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2007
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