Restored Dual Boot Partitions without MBR - Can't Boot

Discussion in 'Paragon Partition Manager Product Line' started by bhaidacher, Nov 26, 2011.

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  1. bhaidacher

    bhaidacher Registered Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    I have 4 partitions

    0 Primary Active Windows XP
    1 Primary Windows 7
    2 Logical Documents
    3 Logical Documents

    I have had no problems restoring only this time I had to perform a Firmware upgrade to my SSD, whiped my disk. I backed up all the partitions but not the MBR. I get an Error Prompt on the XP boot that the NTDLR is not found and also on the W7 side too. I used Paragon Backup 9 to restore because this is the Disk I had available, I do have HD Mgr 11. Does this matter?

    What is the correct procedure to restore the boot record. Is the Drive Letter important? When I restored the XP partition I assigned it the Letter C:, but the W7 I set it to none because when W7 Boots it also uses C: and the XP becomes the D: drive within Windows.


    ps: I am trying with HD Mgr 11 insted of PB9... it is only twice as slow.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2011
  2. Mech_An

    Mech_An Registered Member

    Mar 29, 2010
    Please try the following:
    1) Boot from Paragon WinPE Recovery CD (available from My Account- My Downloads as self-burning CD image)
    2) Run BootCorrector
    3) Select option "Search for Windows installations to correct"
    4) In the list of found OSes make sure that each Windows version has C: letter assigned (if not, assign it in BootCorrector)
    Also try to change active flag from XP to Windows 7 partition.

    I should mention that the reported issue may appear because Windows 7 System Reserved partition is missing in backup or located on another HDD.
  3. bhaidacher

    bhaidacher Registered Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    What I did was burn another Recovery CD with a more recent version. I was using Backup&Recovery 9, instead I used now backup and recovery 11. This worked. I managed to correct the problem before but was not content with the outcome. My boot menu changed and it added another entry to the "earlier Windows" ...

    Thank you for the Reply.
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