just did a fresh xp install. no programs have mru. i would like to restore having mru in my programs. how can this be accomplished? thanks in advance!
you can't unless you have some kind of backup. they will be freshly created over time as you use various progs
what i want to restore is not a list of previously opened files. ms has a solution for that. none of my office 2007 or adobe programs have a list of previously opened files. opening files, closing them, and then checking to see if they're listed yields no list of files. this happened a couple of years ago and it turned out to be a very simple registry edit. unfortunately, i didn't tuck it away for next time. it took a long time to find anything last time and the same is true today. every search i can think of turns up results for wiping out the mru, but nothing to set windows straight to allow programs to create a list of previously opened files.
are you using any progs to tweak settings, like tweakui or ccleaner etc? If yes then one of the settings there might be overriding it
no, i've not tweaked any settings with tweatui or other program. that said, i did stream my xpsp3 install with nlite, and made several install selections within nlite prior to streaming and resulting install.
figured it out. although i'd not used tweakui, nlite has essentially the same controls. see the attached image. i simply checked the "allow recent documents..." and all is well with all programs. i think my error was to read only the first part of the highlighted area if this same text was included in nlite. i don't remember if it is or not. if it was, i didn't realize that the selection would affect program file lists in addition to the start menu. well, i guess when all else fails, read the directions.
it was your question about tweakui that triggered my thinking. so, i thank you for jumping in and participating!