(Resolved) Def Updates Using Trial Version

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 1 Forum' started by Luthorcrow, Dec 27, 2002.

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  1. Luthorcrow

    Luthorcrow Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2002
    Hey, I am trying out NOD32, the trail version does allow for definition updates? I am curious becaue I keep getting these messages in the log for the Control Center for updates:

    <12/25/02 22:25:44> Control Center: NOD32 Control Center executed as NT service
    <12/25/02 22:25:44> Control Center: Update attempt failed (Server connection could not be established.)
    <12/25/02 22:25:44> Control Center: Function: gethostbyname, parameters: , return value: 11001
    <12/25/02 22:25:50> Control Center: Search for new version triggered automatically
    <12/25/02 22:25:50> Control Center: Update attempt failed (Server connection could not be established.)
    <12/25/02 22:25:50> Control Center: Function: gethostbyname, parameters: , return value: 11001

    The server listed in the Control Center is www.nod32.com

  2. Phil

    Phil Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2002
    Re:Def Updates Using Trial Version

    Do you have a firewall running? If so, check your logs to see if the NOD update attempt is being blocked.

  3. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    Re:Def Updates Using Trial Version

    Phil's right. Probably you are unable to connect to the update
    server because a firewall has blocked NOD32 Control center to
    access it.

    Another reason of encoutering this error may be that the server
    is temporary offline. In this case please perform update from
    the following server: http:\\www.esetsoftware.com\upd_info
    (please use it only in severe cases and as the last option)
  4. Luthorcrow

    Luthorcrow Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2002
    Re:Def Updates Using Trial Version

    Well, I am not a guru, but checked that first and no, allow of the traffic for NOD32 was allowed. Now that I am trying the Beta for verion 2.0 the problem has disappeared. The explanation of the server having not been available when I was checking sounds reasonable.
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