resetting the browser page under "tools"

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by ssuklis, Aug 10, 2003.

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  1. ssuklis

    ssuklis Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2003
    I'm new to "Blaster". such a great tool! I've had my browser home page skyjacked so many times, the list under tools/browser pages is growing expotentially. Is there any way I can delete some of these? I'd like to get it down to a manageable number. Have searched all over, and can't find the key to doing that.
    Many thanks,

    Sam Suklis
  2. Dan Perez

    Dan Perez Retired Moderator

    May 18, 2003
    Sunny San Diego
    Hi Sam,

    Welcome to Wilders!

    Can you please download and run HijackThis from

    and scan the system but do *not* try to fix anything yet as many of the items listed are necessary, instead press the "save log" button and copy and paste the log here for someone to review and advise on.


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