Replacing Old Drive with New Drive: ERROR LOADING OS?

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by geogecko, Feb 10, 2006.

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  1. geogecko

    geogecko Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    Seems this is brought up *several* times, but doesn't seem to get any answers (posted on another thread, but then noticed the original title wasn't really my question, so I'm posting here)...

    I have a 160GB drive with partitions C and D, and want to transfer those two to a 250GB drive. The 160GB drive (C) is the OS drive, and is the only drive in the system. I want to remove the 160GB drive, after the transfer is complete.

    How do I do this?

    I have tried disk cloning, but after removing the 160GB drive, and moving the 250GB drive over the SATA 1, I get "Error Loading OS," just after POST.

    It seemed like everything was setup correctly, but maybe I missed something. The last step was supposed to be transferring the MBR.

    This seems like a reasonable thing to be doing with this software, yet it seems like people are having a hard time with it. I'm using TI 8.0, build 937.

    Please help, if you can.
  2. zapjb

    zapjb Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    USA still the best. But barely.
  3. geogecko

    geogecko Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    Negative (not me). Perhaps I bought the wrong software for my intended use? Seems that a lot of the software made by Acronis could be contained in one software program...

    So let me get this straight, TI is only useful if you want to create an image of a system drive, and restore that image to the same physical drive (no replacement)? Seems rather useless to me. I mean, the only reason I got TI was to backup my drives. If I can't restore them to a disk other than the one that they were created on, it provides no benefit, except if I jack something up, and want to restore it to a previous known good condition, but Windows can do that...

    All I want to do, is upgrade from a 160GB drive to a 250GB drive, is it not possible with TI?
  4. geogecko

    geogecko Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    PC cloning — Upgrade to a new system disk without having to reinstall the operating system and applications, or configure user settings

    Listed as one of the features of TI 9.0, and assume it was the same with 8.0. So what's the deal?

    Seems like Acronis Migrate Easy might be the better choice, but where does that leave me with backing up my system, and the original drive gives out? Would I use the image from TI and Migrate Easy to install it on the new HD?

    Edit: So it appears that ME is part of TI 9.0...
  5. zapjb

    zapjb Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    USA still the best. But barely.
    Others find that ATI fills all their needs. AME meets mine best right now.
  6. geogecko

    geogecko Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    Well, I'm downloading a trial of TI 9.0, and will see if this fixes all my problems, although, unless they have made some major improvement, I don't see why it would (or better yet, why they wouldn't have fixed it for those that have 8.0).

    It seems as though AME is part of TI 9.0 now...
  7. zapjb

    zapjb Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    USA still the best. But barely.
    AME can still be had separately. The interface ime is much easier in AME. In fact afair ATI doesn't per say have AME. ATI does all AME does & more. It's just not as easy. I have AME6 but AME7 is out.
  8. geogecko

    geogecko Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    You say that you clone your HD frequently, and store the clone, but have you ever removed the donor (original HD), and installed the clone, to see if it boots? Might be surprised.

    I tried TI 9.0, to clone my existing 160GB drive to the 250GB drive, followed all instructions, and still get the "Error Loading OS." That was using "Manual" mode. I'm in the process of using "Automatic" mode right now, but it will be another couple hours before I know if this works.

    At this point, Acronis will not get another cent of my money, until they can prove to me, that I can indeed do what the software should do. Have yet to get a response from them via e-mail, nor have they responded to this thread.

    It makes absolutely no sense that the clone disk utility doesn't work? Why put it in the software, if it doesn't work? Acronis?
  9. Menorcaman

    Menorcaman Retired Moderator

    Aug 19, 2004
    Menorca (Balearic Islands) Spain
  10. zapjb

    zapjb Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    USA still the best. But barely.
    Yup. I have rack drawers on my tower. This way I don't have to open up the tower. I always test the HDD thats to be stored away. And you keep mentioning ATI. ATI is totally different than AME ime. Apples to Oranges. I think in 2yrs I've opened the tower 3-5x. Once to add RAM. Once to check IDE cables. And a couple times to check for dust. :D
  11. geogecko

    geogecko Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    Well, unless anyone else has any ideas, I guess I might download the trial of AME, and see if I have any luck there. Over on the other thread, I posted the procedure that I followed, and still didn't get it to work.

    My problem, is if the cloning option in TI does not work, WHY is it part of TI? :rolleyes:

    Surely I don't have some strange, uncommon OS setup, that is keeping this from working? Just an installation of XP Pro, with a hard drive that has two partitions...

    Oh, hmm...well, the second partion is formatted using 64Kbyte allocation unit size, wonder if that is it?
  12. geogecko

    geogecko Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    Based on your comment, I downloaded the trial of AME. Funny how all the "Clone" options are the EXACT same as ATI. Do you think it makes a difference?

    I'm in the process of cloning, again, this time using AME, although I'm not optomistic, since the whole GUI is exactly the same as using the cloning option in ATI...but we'll see, in another hour or two.

    I still can't believe that Acronis Support has not been in here to add any words? No clue? What's the deal?
  13. geogecko

    geogecko Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    Once again, a no go.

    So, are you using Windows XP Professional?

    Would making an image of the C drive (OS partition) on the 160GB, and storing that on another computer, then removing the 160GB, and replacing it with the 250GB, then installing Windows on it, then restoring the image from the 160GB drive work?

    I mean, it seems like just one thing is missing for this to work. When I hooked up the 250GB drive to my other computer, it looks identical to the 160GB drive on the other computer, yet it just won't boot.

    Acronis Support is telling me about removing the SID and computer name, using a Sysprep tool from Microsoft. After reading the instructions, I'm still not able to do that, because I cannot store a full HD image on my other computer (it's too large).

    The cloning HAS to work, in order for me to get this to work, or at least, the above mentioned method, of just restoring the C image...then I could insert the 160GB drive in, and copy the D partition over to the new drive.
  14. geogecko

    geogecko Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    I now believe that I have a DOA drive. I just got finished with the initial installation of Windows, just before the reboot. When it comes back out of the reboot, I get the same error message.

    Well, that is good news, in a way, since hopefully, ATI is still what I need to get the job done...
  15. geogecko

    geogecko Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    Yep, bad drive. Got the new drive, and cloning the original was easy as cake.

    I have to admit though, the TI 8.0 (937) is very BUGGY in the manual mode. If you try to use the text boxes or arrows next to them to adjust partition sizes, sometimes they don't stick. It wasn't until 4-5 tries later, that I realized you could adjust sizes by grabbing the ends of the graphic, and moving them around...
  16. zapjb

    zapjb Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    USA still the best. But barely.
    Glad it's sorted. Thanks for the update.
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