Renewal questions

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by tjevans, Jan 10, 2006.

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  1. tjevans

    tjevans Registered Member

    Dec 17, 2005
    1) Do I need to update my email address with Eset before purchasing a license? Mine has changes since I purchased my license. I don't believe it relies upon your email address, but I'm not sure.

    2) How far ahead of your license expiry date may you purchase a renewal and have it not overlap with your current license. In other words, my license expires March 26, 2006. How far in advance of that date may I purchase a renewal and have its expiration on or after March 26, 2006? (hope that makes sense)
  2. webyourbusiness

    webyourbusiness Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Throughout the USA and Canada
    it never hurts to update your details with Eset.

    If you purchase from Eset, they can fix the problem of overlap AFTER the event - if you purchase from a reseller, make sure they take the expiry date so that the overlap issue can be sorted out.

    With your license expiring near the end of March 2006, I've not had to process a renewal THAT far ahead, but the ordering system allows orders to be placed with ANY expiry date, so IN THEORY, it wouldn't be a problem for ANY reseller to handle your renewal for you.

    I hope this helps

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