RegRun Gold vs. RegRun Pro

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by CogitoErgoSum, Dec 14, 2005.

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  1. CogitoErgoSum

    CogitoErgoSum Registered Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Cerritos, California
    Out of curiosity, does RegRun Gold monitor, by default, more registry keys than RegRun Pro? How does RegRun's RunGuard compare with WormGuard? Can I run both RG and WG simultaneously without conflict or would it be best if I uninstalled WG? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

    Peace & Love,

  2. Mikkey

    Mikkey Guest

    I don't believe it monitors more keys. There are simply a few other function's available in Gold that aren't in Pro.

    You can use both WormGuard and RunGuard together. No problem. But you will find that RunGuard won't get much use as it intercepts 'earlier' than RunGuard. That bieng said, RunGuard is superior to WormGuard. It is more configuarable, provides more information and has more option's. I uninstalled WormGuard.

    Scroll down and look at the comparison of features.

    I just noticed there is now a PLATINUM version. Will have to check out what that does!!!

  3. Mikkey

    Mikkey Guest

  4. CogitoErgoSum

    CogitoErgoSum Registered Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Cerritos, California
    Thanks Mikkey for your input.

    Peace & Love,

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