Here's a nice little piece of program Well written and does it's job good. But one hic..... READ WHATEVER IT DISPLAYS and don't go clicking anywhere without reading ! <---- Dumb me....
LOL !! That's good advice for pretty much any pop-up alert you see. I agree. RegistryProt is a great little free program!!
I was on the phone talking to the little criter on the other end of the line on how I want him to reinstall the ASP support on my server, while faxing something and installing regprotect..... ( Multitasking ) <---- RIGHT !!!! and all of sudden POUFFF !!! and I go CLICK CLICK CLICK and then this fallowd OH ****
New program coming soon You might be interested to know that the next version of RegProt will be released very soon, but will no longer be called RegProt. It is known as DiamondCS Autostart Guard, and monitors all known (and so-called "unknown") autostart locations - currently over 25 of them, including files, folders, and registry keys and values. It's just as small and efficient as RegProt, and sits on very little memory, and 0% CPU usage because, like RegProt, it doesn't poll for changes (eg. checking all locations every x seconds), but rather it waits for certain events to trigger before checking. And yes, it will be freeware.
i too am happy to have regprot. i want to know if you can reset the "rules" for it by simply deleting the "regprot.cfg" file (or some other file). does anyone know?
Wayne, Wow, you have done my life too so much easier ! If you stick around here, you need no hotel ^Ari^