RegCleaner/report? What is...(?)

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by SG1, May 31, 2003.

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  1. SG1

    SG1 Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2003
    I've tried several similar programs, but below's part of a RegCleaner (4.3) report/inventory. Am fairly certain that UtilityID is not harmful, nor do I think that the Adaptec entry is "evil."
    The KasperskyLab entry: I don't have that brand AV software on this PC unless it is part of NOD32 or TrendMicro's AV scanner, & no offense meant to any of those companies, for saying that! <g>
    But as for the other programs... I hate to say that I can't even hazard a guess, as to what they may be. Ideas, please, anyone?

    P.S. NOD32, SpyWareGuard/SpyWareBlaster, TrojanHunter, WormGuard, SpyBot S&D, have not spit up over the presence of these "mystery files" on my PC, so I'm assuming for now that this is a good thing.
    Many thanks, for any info/help. SG1 (Pat)

    "Software registered to the Registry. You should delete every program's entries you know you've had, but don't have anymore. [syntax: Author, Software, Age ]"

    The Silicon Realms Toolworks, Armadillo, New
    [Unknown], c0BP43OAgALypU3Sm-rPQCWW, Old
    [Unknown], UtilityId, Old
    Adaptec, Cdr4vsd, Old
    Gentee, Paths, Old
    Inverse, AccessRamp, Old
    Iomega Corporation, Extensions, Old
    KasperskyLab, Avp32, Old
    KasperskyLab, Components, Old, Soft-Guard1.10, Old
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    I have a couple of those same keys under Software, too. Gentee has entries from DCS's RegProt and APM under it. (Do you have those or did you ever install either of those?)

    I also have one of the KasperskyLab keys (Avp32) even though I've never had KAV... I'm guessing it's from one of the online virus scanners I've run at some point, or perhaps some other related product I've used.

    I've seen odd keys get created from some software installs. Often they don't look like they're directly related to the product you've installed, but sometimes a product can include software elements from other companies which they use under license within their products. Or, a product might very well be even more directly related (even created by the same developers but named differently).
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