Reconfig after hdd format.

Discussion in 'LnS English Forum' started by partita, Nov 24, 2005.

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  1. partita

    partita Guest

    Is there a way to preserve a configuration of the programm? Could someone give step by step sollution?
  2. JF

    JF LnS Support

    Jan 12, 2003

    Here is some explanation below. I hope this will help.


    The Look ‘n’ Stop configuration is based on three parts:
    - Internet filtering
    - Application filtering
    - Options

    All configurations are available through the graphical user interface of Look ‘n’ Stop.
    All Look 'n' Stop configurations take place internaly in the registry key, except Internet Filtering rules rely on a dedicated .rls (ruleset) ASCII file.

    Internet Filtering Configuration
    The Internet Filtering configuration comes from an ASCII internet filtering rules file.
    The full path of this file is in this registry key: options\fichier_regles.
    The path can be a local or network path (ex: \\server\folder\rules.rls)

    Application Filtering configuration
    The whole configuration of application filtering is located in this section of the registry key:

    Configuration of Look ‘n’ Stop options
    All other configurable options are located in this section of the registry key:

    Only the configuration of TCP protocol types is in a dedicated section:

    Creating a reference configuration
    A reference configuration relies on two files:
    - The .rls (rls stands for RuLe Set) file to configure Internet filtering rules.
    - The .reg file to configure the registry key (all other configuration except internet filtering rules).

    To create the .rls file of Internet filtering rules, use the save or save as buttons of the Internet Filtering page.

    To create a lns.reg file and store the configuration of the registry, check the Extra Save checkbox of the options page. The lns.reg file will be created when quitting LNS.

    The .reg and .rls files can be created on the reference PC and cloned on other PCs of a network, or used to restore a configuration after a hard drive problem.

    Importing a reference configuration

    The .rls Internet Filtering file must be identical to the one specified in the fichier_regles registry key. (fichiers_regles means rule's file)
    So check that you put the .rls file in the same path used when creating the reference configuration.

    Copying the .rls file and running the .reg file allows importing the configuration.
    Do only run LNS after doing that. Otherwise, LNS will erase the registry with default setting when it will quit.

    The .reg file can also be apply at setup through the -reg command line option.
    Example : LooknStop_Setup_205.exe -reg lns.reg
  3. imsai

    imsai Registered Member

    Oct 18, 2005
    Helps greatly.

    Thank you.
  4. imsai

    imsai Registered Member

    Oct 18, 2005
    Seems like LnS should save "\" as "\\" in lns.reg (o_O)
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