Recommend a Advertisment Removal Program

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by AnthonyG, Sep 25, 2005.

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  1. AnthonyG

    AnthonyG Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2004
    I was wondering by anychance after reading this excellent post on something similar here

    If by chance there is such a program which actually blocks and stops the loading of advertisement banners on a web page such as those affiliate banners you see all over or those annoying pop up boxes saying your computer maybe infected with spyware and such.

    The two firefox extensions suggested in the topic while almost excellent work the other way round they allow the advertisments to load and then remove them I was wanting to actually block them from loading in the first place. As i am hoping it may help with my constant web page timing out problem. But it will i suspect greatly increase the loading of web pages (as usually these ads are hosted from a totally different web page and take time to load).

    So are there any applications which will do this. (hopefully not just for Internet Explorer but for Firefox and Opera too).

    I would prefer free but if they are really good then i will pay for them.

    I know firewalls claim to do this but i cant seem to figure out how. Im using the latest version of Outpost pro with just its normal default settings.

    So can somekind soul thing of a good app to block these ads from ever loading and remove them from the entire page (and not jut show a unloaded box on the web page) but actually remove all instances of them similar to how this RIP does it but like i say this removes them after they have loaded.

    Thanks for your help
  2. Paranoid2000

    Paranoid2000 Registered Member

    May 2, 2004
    North West, United Kingdom
    There are lots of options including Hosts files (which can block access by domain to advertisers/spyware purveyors), proxy software (which filters traffic before passing it to your browser) and browser extensions/configuration all with differing pros and cons.

    For a simple but effective ad filter requiring almost no configuration (aside from setting your browser to access it as a proxy), check out BFilter. For a more powerful filter allowing you to rewrite web pages, but requiring more setting up, look at Proxomitron.
  3. Pollmaster

    Pollmaster Guest

    Hmm actually only RIP (and the others in the same family , platypus,aarrdvark etc) hide ads. Adblock can both block or hide ads.

    I'm just wondering is it really possible to 100% block inline ads, as opposed to ads from external sources? Or is hiding via css methods the only way to handle it?
  4. Paranoid2000

    Paranoid2000 Registered Member

    May 2, 2004
    North West, United Kingdom
    It's easy - both programs I mention above do this.
  5. Trooper

    Trooper Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2005
    Seems as if you already have found some good tips here. I know RIP is old, however I only just noticed it yesterday. ;)

    I use it combined with Adblock, Filterset G updater, and of course a hosts file. I have tried Proxo in the past did but just did not care for it. It seemed to slow down my web browsing as well as had a bit of a learning curve. Well at least for me. I don't know or do coding, so it was a bit of a chore to try to write your own filters.

    Admuncher is ok I guess but again, I never cared for it personally.
  6. AnthonyG

    AnthonyG Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2004
    This might be impossible therefore a stupid question but is there possibly a program that will prevent from ever loading (not just block it once it has) all nasty things on a webpage. Such as diallers and trojans etc.

    I am assuming (with my little knowlege of viruses and diallers) but they are just some DTML code included in the web pages source code. So if this is the case is there something that can possibly scan a web pages source code before it loads it into your browser and removes all nasty stuff included on that page. Which includes not just banners and popups.

    If not can somebody possibly explain how diallers and trojans/viruses get onto web pages. Or is there a link to a web site explaining this

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