RD & GoogleDesktop Search

Discussion in 'Ghost Security Suite (GSS)' started by Rico, Feb 11, 2006.

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  1. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Hi Guys,

    Had a little problem, what happened you asked! Okay! I went to use Google Desktop Search & my new AV NOD32 complained. The upshot was to uninstall, GDS (GDS=GoogleDesktopSearch). I forgot to "disable" RD & proceeded to uninstall GSD, well RD asked about a thousand times "allow/block", I got tired of clicking & looked for a way to shut down RD (RD's kind of like a pit bull, when it gets ah-old of something). I did see a kill process within RD. The pit bull let loose. Tried uninstall of GSD again with RD disabled, several errors. Okay I figure GSD is partly gone, so I'll Run Regseeker let it kill the rest of GSD. Next reboot to safe-mode to delete GSD folder. All's well so far. Reboot to windows, and all the desktop icons are gone, no taskbar etc, just wallpaper. Reboot again same thing. Back to safe-mode for a system restore point. Everything went just fine, used add/remove programs to delete GSD, with RD still disabled. All went well. Downloaded the new GSD beta, install & all is fine.

    1. Thank You Bill Gates for "SystemRestore"
    2. RD needs a little button which says "allow all" or "block all"
    3. RD needs an off button, or heel button

    Note one other time I made the mistake of not disabling RD when updating IE-Spyad, wow! I needed a new mouse after that install. Also I remember another thread regarding RD & IESpyad (not mine).

    Question: Should RD be disabled (if SystemResore failed) if I needed to restore the registry using ERUNT?

    Question: Should RD be disabled (if SystemRestore, & ERUNT failed) if I needed to restore using Acronis TI?

  2. tonyjl

    tonyjl Registered Member

    May 25, 2004
    Hi Ricco.

    Know what you mean about RD being a pitbull :eek: ,i've that mistake before aswell. LOL
    Glad you it sorted in the end :)

    Anyway,i would (do) disable on both occasions just in case,cause you just never know... I also disable AV,File monitors and the like.
  3. Rodehard

    Rodehard Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2004
    When that happens to me I just hold off on the RD prompt, right click the GS icon on the Task Bar, highlight RD and select disable. Then, after I click on the prompt, RD shuts up. Just remember to activate it again as there is no visual clue that it is disabled on the Task Bar icon (Which there should be:mad: ).:)
  4. TopperID

    TopperID Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2004
    I don't know how you managed that Rodehard? o_O

    On my system I only have the option to 'Exit' from RD when I right click the sys tray icon; and that doesn't disable RD, it merely puts it into the background where it auto-blocks without asking - hardly the desired result! :mad:

    Perhaps you are thinking of PG which does allow you to disable it from the sys tray icon when you get a pop-up. Or maybe you are using the latest version with AD - is that different?

    When this sort of problem happens with RD it's probably best to click to always perform the action and sort out your application rules afterwards - I wouldn't want to try and kill the process in case it made matters worse! :p
  5. tonyjl

    tonyjl Registered Member

    May 25, 2004
    Yes it different,when we right-click on the systray icon,we get options to disable both AD and RD,or change the ruleset to use. I would have thought the standalone version of RD would have the same,but obviously not. Hope he adds it soon,because it is a much needed (and used) feature.
  6. TopperID

    TopperID Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2004
    Thanks tonyjl.

    I haven't got round to trying out AD yet, I'm still using PG.:p

    I get the impression that in future we won't have the option for a standalone RD, we will have to use the Suite with RD, AD and File Defend (or whatever it is going to be :D ) all bundled up together - just disabling those parts not required.:'(
  7. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Hi & Good Morning to one & all,

    It seems I'm not the only one who's forgotten to disable RD, & gotten multiple requests by RD as to allow/block.

    I've noticed on "uninstall" of some applications, that your prompted with: "yes" or "yes to all." - This really (from a non programer) does not seem that difficult to add to RD. Or at least some elegant way out of RD, when an uninstall/install starts.

    Thanks & and as always Take care
  8. Rodehard

    Rodehard Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2004
    Sorry, didnt even think that it may be differant with the stand alone version of RD vs the suite. I do have PG and there is no confusing the two. Anyway, yes, I have the suite with licensed copies of RD and AD and thats how it works for me.
  9. f3x

    f3x Registered Member

    Feb 6, 2006
    Montreal, Quebec
    First, it's good to know that there is currently a "disable RD" workarround involving the systray.This will definitively be usefull.

    Well this "yes to all" is equivalent to disabling RD or at least disabling it only for a particular process. My best comment i can do of such an option is a feature request i made a while ago.

    Basicly it is a kinf of "instalation mode" that blindly allow a particular process (and all it's child) to access the registry untill the parent process dye. It can be improved by allow blind access only to some registry group.


    I really beleive in community power and if you like the idea or have some modification / comment you are higly encouraged to post. Maybe it can attire Jason's attention.

    It is interesting to note that the hardest part of the request ( identify all child process) is already functioning as Jason merged RD with RD

    The rest is of the problem "feature wise" is to identify a tempoary stack of rules wich can be deleted when a process terminate or the computer reboot.
    Also to create a allow all rule for the driver. (maybee a ** wildcard and nothing else ? ) And finally warp this in a nice GUI ( probably the less urgent priority of gss rigth now)
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