R-Drive Image 4.7 saves the day...

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by napoleon1815, May 10, 2012.

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  1. napoleon1815

    napoleon1815 Registered Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    I just wanted to give a quick shout out to R-Drive Image 4.7 (http://www.drive-image.com/)...it saved my bacon over the last fews days. Doing some side work for a guy running Citrix XENServer (think a baby VMWare...HAHA). Had a server array problem that left a lot of disk corruption in its wake...many of the VM's on the server were therefore acting up (slow disk access mostly...with disk scans showing many bad clusters). I wasn't able to migrate or export them to different servers via the Citrix console, so I had to resort to taking offline images of the VM's, then restoring them to new "empty" VM's on another server. Not the ideal way to do it, but the only choice in this matter given the optimal solutions failed.

    I tried the few imagers I had handy...IFW/IFL and Paragon, both of which failed to even boot up within the VM's (surprised IFL didn't boot, as that's my go-to imager that never let me down). Finally, I tried R-Drive which not only booted fine, but had zero isues with it...it saw the virtual drives, loaded the virtual NICs and off I went! The boot CD was slow in taking the image (I find this to be true in general with their boot CD), but it went flawlessly and allowed me to safely restore these VM's on different servers before the server's drives went bad.
  2. TiberianMagnus

    TiberianMagnus Registered Member

    May 10, 2012
    United States
    New member, first post and remarkably I was about to post a question about live imaging so... I suppose I should but it seems this product (which I'd never heard of till I just saw this post) is yet another competing imaging one.

    Nice to know someone has some praise for it, but I'll go create that thread now. ;)
  3. napoleon1815

    napoleon1815 Registered Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    It doesn't get a lot "press" on here but it's a rock solid - albeit simple - application. I use to use to a ton and never had an issue (both live and offline imaging). I still think that TerabyteUnlimited's IFW/IFL/IFD is the best out there, but I wouldn't hesitate to use R-Drive either.
  4. andylau

    andylau Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2006
    Not surprise.
    Its bootcd supports quite a lot RAID drives, you can take a lot on here

    If you want IFW or Paragon(Windows version) to support more RAID or another drivers, you should add more drivers to its WinPE.
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