Discussion in 'ESET NOD32 Antivirus' started by tuvi123, Jul 30, 2008.

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  1. tuvi123

    tuvi123 Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2008
    I have just read this:

    So the trial version of NOD32 v3 does not updates modules o_O
    are you sure?
    the point of the trial version is to attract new users to buy a license.
    so why it's not the same like the commerical version?
    why the trial version does not update modules and component updates?

    Does that mean that the commerical version update sginature updates faster than the trial versions?

    Which of the ESET trial servers are the best?

    Does the ESET commerical servers significantly faster/better the ESET trial servers?
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  2. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Considering trial versions are for 30 days, chances are realllll good that during that period signature updates is all that will be pushed out anyway.
    It means pretty much what it states. Paid users take priority over trial users. Excusing the recent sig update issue, there's not been that many heavy network traffic issues to the update servers considering the number.
    There is no best and "Choose automatically" is preferred.
  3. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    It actually does. The trial versions of V3 are actually full versions with a temporary evaluation username/password embedded so there's absolutely no difference between trial and full versions of v3 in terms of functionality.

    The trial versions of v2 don't support program component updates (PCU). There's no reason for this, PCU are issued about 2-3 time per year at maximum and they are very large in size, almost as large as a new installer. When a new version is available, the trial versions are updated as well.
  4. tuvi123

    tuvi123 Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2008
    Bubba Wrote:
    they said that this bug is only on ESET trial servers and not on ESER commerical servers.
    it's really annoying that the trial version will not update to the latest signature updates sometime.

    Marcos Wrote:
    - If there is a temporary evaluation username/password embedded in the trial version so why does it updates from ESET Evaluation (Trial) servers and not from ESET commerical (Retail) servers??
    What is the point?

    - Can you use the evaluation username/password embedded in the trial version on the commerical version? (so than it will update from ESET commerical servers and not from the Trial servers) ??

    - Actually if there are differents between the trial aervers and the commerical servers (licensed version will receive priority, modules
    THE recent sig update issue THAT is ONLY on ESET trial servers)
    than there is a different in functionality.

    Marcos/Bubba and other ESET Moderators please clarify this.
  5. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    Could you please clarify why you think that the v3 trial versions update from different servers than the full version? I, for one, am not aware of that, but I can ask our developers. It seems to me highly unlikely as the current v3 trial system does not allow to distinguish between trial and full versions.
  6. tuvi123

    tuvi123 Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2008
    Marcos Wrote:
    what do you mean?
    It is known.
    you can also check this way: (I found it)
    click on start>run and type REGEDIT and click ok
    (it will open Windows Registry Editor)
    go here:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Plugins\01000400\Settings
    if you have Full Commerical version the servers will end in /eset_upd/
    if you have Trial Evaluation version the servers will end in /eset_eval/
    for example: is a trial server.
    and is a commerical server.

    please ask the Developers about this and refer to all of my questions.
    (you only refer to my first "-")
    and please report back as soon as possible.

    Bubba- are you aware that the trial version is update from different servers than the commerical version ?
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  7. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Regardless whether I am aware, these type specific questions are best answered by Eset and you will not find anyone much more capable to answer these questions than Marcos. It's in times like these that I become a member of the peanut gallery :cool:
  8. tuvi123

    tuvi123 Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2008
    OK, I am waitnig for Marcos answers.
  9. tuvi123

    tuvi123 Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2008
    I have just noticed that some of the trial servers had been removed and deleted!
    What is going on here?

    PLEASE also REFER to all of my questions in this thread.

    Somebody? Where is Marcos?
    Marcos Please respond.

    ESET Support Team/Moderators done a really good job.
    but we need the Developers respond here.
  10. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    I have checked older and current trial versions, but neither of them points to .../eset_eval/. Please post here the information about installed components (Help -> About) as well as the link you downloaded the installer from. Officially released installers certainly don't point to that folder, only some cracked versions do.
  11. tuvi123

    tuvi123 Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2008
    that is weird.
    I downloaded the trial version from another site.
    I have just download the new trial version from here and everything works fine, I have "/eset_upd/" in:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Plugins\01000400\Settings

    Marcos- you are the proffesional here, can you please do this: (for testing)

    1) Download and install the latest commericalversion.
    2) Download the following REG file:
    (it's the exported /eset_eval/ servers from my registry like:
    and click YES>OK.
    3) Update the antivirus
    4) you will see some weird things -
    a- it will download a 8MB big update! (WTH?)
    and it will update to the latest signature update.
    b- you will see alot of trial watermarks like:
    Remaining trial period 30 days..
    Purchase full version...
    Upgrade to full version...
    Trial version, 30 days left..


    So I have some more questions:

    1) What are those /eset_eval/ servers??
    2) Do those servers are 3rd party servers that does not belong to eset at all?
    3) Do those servers are related/belong in any way to ESET?
    Does ESET create them??
    and if so,
    What is the point?? What is the goal of those servers? ?
    4) as you see, those servers turn your version into a real trial version (with watermarks).. Why? How? WTH?

    Please check this for me, I realy interesting to know what are this servers and why ESET create them for.
    Please ask the developers about my questions.

    Waiting for your replay Marcos.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2008
  12. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    This is completely wrong, the eset_eval folder is ONLY listed in instructions for using cracked versions, it has never been published by ESET and setting it as the update server would mess up the installation.

    As I said, we have never used the "eset_upd" folder in any installers. Even though it exists on the servers, setting it as the update server per instructions in cracks/warez sites will mess up the installation. You should donwload and install the official trial version from ESET's website and avoid adding a custom server, otherwise you will account for update problems.

    Since everything re. the eset_upd folder has been answered and explained, we'll bring discussion on this topic to a close.
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