
Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by Rita, Dec 14, 2005.

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  1. Rita

    Rita Infrequent Poster

    Jun 28, 2004
    wilds of wv
    Hi everyone
    I run a test at pcpitstop, and the first test with magic defrag-a prog I have was running, and my test result was disk c was bad,so I shut down the ashampo magic defrag and run the test again.Then the results were disk c was a winner so my question is-should I get rid of this prog-it runs all the time defraging.just wondering--Does anyone have an opinion?--thanks
  2. Global Force

    Global Force Guest

    Hi Rita! :)

    IMO, disable it. From everything I've read in my time online about the nuances of operation's like defrag or check-disc, the system must have exclusive access (no files *in use* by Window's). If you've ever noticed, check-disc won't run immediately after selection, instead asking if you would like to schedule it for next boot. It's sort of the same why people ask "why am I getting these I/O error's?" when running their virus scanner's. In simple term's because the files are *in use.*

    In one of the descriptive paragraph's from SysInternal's PageDefrag Mark comment's .... "When you direct PageDefrag to defragment, the next time the system boots it will attempt to do so." This attempt happen's before Window's *lock's* the paging file. A slightly better explanation of what I'm trying to convey can be found under "Trouble Shooting Defrag" here. Pardon the brief post Rita, technical description's are best left to other poster's here on Wilder's. ;)

  3. Rita

    Rita Infrequent Poster

    Jun 28, 2004
    wilds of wv
    Thanks GF
    I think I will disable it.It's one of those progs that run most of the time.It's constantly defraging,just pauses now and then--dont know if it's really doing anything though lol.I bought it awhile back because I thought it would be good to have but I notice the pc hanging up alot,but of course I dont know if it's doing it or not.Thank you so much for replying!
  4. Global Force

    Global Force Guest

    Sure Rita, anytime. ;)

    Disabling would be perfectly OK considering not much good would come while window's is *open* so to say. Like stated in the article Rita booting to safe-mode and running would allow window's to execute the task uninterrupted, letting you move on with other area's of computing you enjoy. :cool: I don't think a third-party defragger is necessary if what your currently using is only a moderate amount of available disc space, XP's is actually quite efficient.

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