Question about control centre messaging options

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 1 Forum' started by ignacio, Feb 5, 2003.

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  1. ignacio

    ignacio Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2003

    this is my first post here :)

    Recently I installed NOD32 in a small network under Windows NT. I have one server as a mirror for updates, and i want to know how can i include the client Machine name in the virus warning message sent to admin. There is some kind of variable namad %MachineName% or something like that?

    Thanks for your attention.

  2. ignacio

    ignacio Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2003
    Well... Because i didn't receive any answer about this question, i will answer it myself :D

    I found that if you want to know the Computer Name, you must include %ComputerName% in the message. :p

    Thanks for your attention.
  3. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi ignacio,

    I'm sorry that no one came in to assist you between your first and second post here. Sometimes, the people that know the answer to a question just don't stop by in time... :doubt:

    I'm very glad you chose to post the answer yourself when you found it, as it may be of use to someone else in the future!!

    I hope that the next time you post here, you'll get the help you need. In the meantime, certainly feel free to post more answers here, we'd all appreciate that. :D

    Welcome to Wilders and the NOD32 Forum!!

    Best Wishes,
  4. ignacio

    ignacio Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2003
    Don't worry. Sometimes it's not possible answer every question :)
    I will be here for a while, so i will make more questions and answer if i can ;)

    Best regards!

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