Question about a file on my PC

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by gracie123, Nov 6, 2005.

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  1. gracie123

    gracie123 Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2005
    Hello Everyone,

    This sounded like the right place to post this question of mine. There is a file in my Local Disk (C:) and it is just called "data". It's 6 KB in size. The screenshot shows what it looks like. I've scanned it with NOD32 antivirus and Kaspersky Antivirus Personal and neither find it as being a threat but I am concerned about this file because I don't know what it could belong to.

    Anyone know possibly what it could belong to?



    Attached Files:

  2. lotuseclat79

    lotuseclat79 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Hi Gracie,

    Here are two things you can do to find out more about the file.
    Upload the file here: and it will be scanned by about a dozen or so scanners and give you the full assessment.

    From Start->Run, type in the command: regedit.exe
    Pull-down Edit, select Find and type in: C:\data
    Use the Find-Next function to scan until it reaches the end of the registry file.

    That might give you information on what program may have written the file or not. Do you remember what you were doing when you first noticed the file on your computer? It pretty much looks like a program wrote the file to disk, but that is only a swag on my part.

    You could create a new folder, move the file there and see if when you execute the program that created it, creates a new version of it on C:\, then compare the two files with a hex editor. Also, moving or renaming the file may cause a hiccup with the program looking for the file, so you may be able to generate a message to your desktop that may tell you more about which program created the file.

    -- Tom
  3. gracie123

    gracie123 Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2005
    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for replying to me. Okay, here is what I show on my screen...

    (See screenshot)

    Attached Files:

  4. lotuseclat79

    lotuseclat79 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Hi gracie123,

    See for an explanation of Comdlg32 - it appears to be beneign, however, it might be a history trace of every file you have opened/run on your computer.

    Also on that web page there is a link to MRU Blaster here: which goes to here: where you can download MRU-Blaster (freeware).

    Download/install and run MRU Blaster from the URL.

    That should take care of your problem, and if you ever notice the C:\data file again, run MRU Blaster again.

    Scan to the registry location after you have run MRU Blaster and check to see if the entry is still there - probably not would be my guess. And then check to see if the file in C:\data has also been deleted.

    Let us know your status when done.

    -- Tom
  5. gracie123

    gracie123 Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2005
    Hi Tom,

    Very nice program! :)

    OK, I ran the program about three times and I did the search "C:\data" in regedit window and it did NOT find anything this time. However, the file is still there.. :doubt: .. still 6 KB in size.
  6. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Change the file name to data.txt open it in notepad and post it's contents. If you feel uncomfortable doing that....still change it to data.txt and upload it to a post as an attachment. Someone can then take a look at the file. Can't be much at 6KB :doubt:
  7. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    Have you right clicked the file and clicked properties to see if it reveals anything about the file yet?
  8. gracie123

    gracie123 Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2005
    Hi Bubba :),

    Okay here is what Notepad shows it to be... I know its alot :doubt: but hopefully it will be useful to someone :)

    const char * vRNaVb = "GK6rariBuXakKcpSFF1eFHR8UeCsCnPLcFGppVtrOE";
    const char * vMAVBBWpyt6 = "E9FO3NmuO4vx4AetgbeVKuDt88P3JQSJFjFTMXFE3OVG2FcbZAZnfu0DPdSSMdC3waPdnsB6KJWorLk7mpkBDcDDXBLhfeAjEUZRhFZ";
    const char * vc0JLbDNpTu = "bcrcYtCBdJCm21Drf4eOf7fdwUKUdUdbnRPFbKD3SZceCIrT5CV06dwZee2iiFFuerJQkcn8wNEf";
    const char * vyd6C64 = "6PdUcFaB1EGwFIAyeXuCFDVUEPb3cd7nlQcBiRV1Kby4bEE7RCdoHRZebRqMs8JpVFNoyyAhT8rd8JKE9CFayRVujl3wkS";
    const char * v9RhFe2GBQfFbL = "8SuKSO893PEKiv2KtnydoUf5";
    const char * v6ILnjxbR8k0 = "dCoK3jbuCeXgpqriVniMODuddio2";
    const char * vgvACF = "ae4WbdyXW93kLGn6purQlNftye9ll46map0J4c1tdUJlAlGR3Ae3eV5aDQXbcp5JBGfZWo43VO";
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    const int vBK90YTUqHyuUM = 25108;
    const int v10xCJraEH0DU4 = 25506;
  9. gracie123

    gracie123 Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2005
    Bigc, yes I have and heres what it shows (this is after I renamed it to ".txt")

    (See Screenshot)

    Attached Files:

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